MLM in your face?

I have it happen to me, especially PPL, I just tell them my compliance dept and E&O won't allow me to participate, sure wish I could. They understand and it is end of discussion.
I like that one. Thank you. I called them tonight and left a message. I was relieved. I was tired and not ready to talk anyway. I will use that one and tell them I can only refer people to them if I find some rich health fanatic who has a ton of disposable income.:yes:
I met this older guy at a local business meeting a couple of year ago. He told me that he really wanted to refinance and I quoted him a great rate on a $1.5M refi which would have brought in 25k in commission. He seemed real happy and i went to write up his app. When i get to his house, he has his CPA there (i thought to grill me on the loan).

They spend 3 hours trying to get me to sell some mlm vitamin company called isagenix or something. It turns out that he had no interest in refinancing, he just was trying to find his next recruit.

Needless to say, i was pissed.


Man, that's cold. I hope you kept his address.

Send them this: "my first MLMgoldmine video (worst ever)." You can find it at URL:

This is touted as the worse MLM presentation ever.
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If you are in the senior market (or working with a senior) that pushes a MLM product on you just tell them the following:

I cannot do any type of network marketing with clients because it could appear to Medicare as an enticement for enrollment. That could cost me Medicare contracts.

That worked for me. I like Blue's idea as well.

I have had the same experience as John with networking groups. MLMers invade and it is all over then. The only MLMers I know who make it are the ones with spouses who make the family income and they are just doing it to do something.
While this scenerio wasn't for a $25,000 commission, my old company would host lunch and learns that were advertised in the local paper. Three gentlemen signed up for a session, came in and ate the lunch we bought for them, and went through a short 15 to 20 minute power point presentation. At the end of the session, it became apparent they had no interest in our offerings, they were there to sell us advertising space. What were they thinking? I bought them lunch to hear their sales presentation.
Selling is illegal, but what about leasing them? That might be the loop hole you are looking for!

That way you will not have to chase people down.

I looked at some other videos for giggles on youtube for goldmine.

I mean really? Are there really that many people out there that gullible? Then again, look at how many people are voting for Hilary!
I get hit up with MLM stuff pretty often as I am closing sales. I have found a trick that works for me. I tell them, politely, that all of my time and money is tied up in making my insurance agency run successfully. Most of the time they take it very well and understand it. In my case that is not just an excuse either, I really don't have time or money to invest in starting another business.

Another thing I do sometimes is after telling them I don't have the time or money because of my agency, I tell them to e-mail me their info so that I can pass it on to any of my clients that may be interested. I have a folder in my Outlook where I store things like this and if anyone ever asks I would pass on the info.

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