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MLM in your face?

That is absurd. No one was attacking your wife.

Al, its amazing how with all of your education, you simply cannot read. So, I'll put it on a silver platter for you.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Post #40 by Sony: [/FONT]For the amount of time your wife is using scaming people and selling the dream, she could be doing something alot more productive. (and honest!)[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Then, after a strong statement was made concerning the inappropriateness of his remarks.......

Post #47 by Sony: [/FONT]"The most pure motives? I'm guessing she wears the pants in the family too. Maybe I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by smart and sophisticated/ experienced individuals while being raised.

That does not make it so, and as such you should not get all bent out of shape. It's not like they called her a whore or a slut. Yeah, then I could see you getting angry, but get off your high horse and see the criticism for what it was... a commentary on MLM salespeople and not about your spouse's integrity, honesty, or her character. Jackass Al

Bottom line, it went too far. Al, if it had been your wife, you would be just as pi$$ed. And if not, you should be ashamed. Its repulsive that you, supposedly an educated person, can condone Sony's behavior and then suggest that I support racial activities such as church bombings and lynchings.

Yep...I am looking better every time these guys spew.
Hey, Al, that really is a great picture! You look pretty darn happy, and Julia doesn't look scared!

Interesting commentary on the book fair, looks like a lot of fun!
Yep...I am looking better every time these guys spew.

No. You are looking like the right-wing whacko who wants everyone to believe in HIS god, who want to legislate everyone's behavior (gay rights, abortion, flag lapel pins) and who wants government welfare for the rich (subsidies for farmers and tarrifs for manufactuers) but not for the poor... because according to you everyone who is poor... well that's their own fault.... because no one in your world ever gets sick or loses their job or has a spouse walk out on them or has a bad accident, or is injured on a job, or wounded in a war.

"America... love it or leave it" right?

The Jackass
Okay, guys, that's enough. Let's start discussing zero premium life insurance!!!

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Hey, Al, that really is a great picture! You look pretty darn happy, and Julia doesn't look scared!

Interesting commentary on the book fair, looks like a lot of fun!

Scared? Thanks a lot! Honeslty, Jula is a pro (model... not what you are thinking!)

Because I get a press pass (I cover the show for a number of different media) I get to have my pix with all the booth-babes!

The book expo is fun... I own a publishing company but we don't do much with it these days... waiting for e-books to take-off. I basically go to the show to see the clients of Jaya123... and to prowl for new ones. And since it was in LA this year I had a chance to prospect for insurance clients since the West coast shows get a larger turnout of CA publishers and vendors. I found 2 health deals and one life deal. Jula was not one of them. I would have been happy to give her the para-med but it was not to be!

Maybe if I was from Alabama and had Tim's Southern charm I could have been Jula's escort to some of the wild parties that go on. Publishing parties (and women) ain't nothin' like insurance parties (and women)... but you will have to trust me on that. (No one asks if you will respect them in the morning!)

The Jackass

THIS thread sure turned into a

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You guys make this so easy.

No. You are looking like the right-wing whacko who wants everyone to believe in HIS god,

Wouldn't everybody like for everybody else to believe in THEIR own god. In my opinion, would the world be a better place if everybody subscribed to my my opinions? Sure. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or extremely low on confidence. But, I challenge you to show anywhere on this forum where I have tried to coerce or evangelize. You simply can't do it. Yes, when answering a question calls for it, I will dive into matters of faith that can be backed up. You need to learn the difference between a right-wing whacko that goes around blowing up abortion clinics and a conservative who is not ashamed of his views and is willing to share them in a public forum even when he knows that liberals are going to come out from under every rock and try to beat the hell out of him.

who want to legislate everyone's behavior (gay rights, abortion, flag lapel pins)

Al, if government can't legislate against behavior that is dangerous and detrimental to the continuation of a healthy society, then it is of use to no one.

and who wants government welfare for the rich (subsidies for farmers and tarrifs for manufactuers) but not for the poor...

How ludicrous. You know nothing of my fiscal views. I actually support a flat tax that is fair for everyone. But, I do know that when you over-tax the wealthy, they shut their spending up and that hurts everyone. You want your wealthiest clients to cancel their policies and quit buying? Didn't think so.

As for farmers. Damn right we oughta help them. Not only should you not bite the hand that feeds you, you should do everything you can to make sure that hand is strong.

And the poor. Throughout most of my adult life, I have been affiliated with programs that feed the poor. Taking care of the poor in their time of need is one thing. But, having a government that executes programs designed to enslave the poor and keep them poor is absolutely wrong. A helping hand in time of need? Absolutely. A lifetime of welfare? Absolutely not.

Have some integrity and get your facts straight before you assume someone's positions.

because according to you everyone who is poor... well that's their own fault....

Some, yes. Some, no.

because no one in your world ever gets sick or loses their job or has a spouse walk out on them or has a bad accident, or is injured on a job, or wounded in a war.

Al, again...you make me look good with your nonsense and ignorance. I know sickness. I know what its like to lose a job. Thank God, my wife is faithful to me. But, I do have close family and friends whose spouses were untrue and abandoned them. Talked to a family friend tonight who was the victim of an accident and lost a limb. I even have friends who fought in Iraq...both times. You know so little, yet assume so much about my life experience. Sad. Very sad. Why don't you engage in discussion like a gentleman? Are you that angry at the world?

"America... love it or leave it" right?

Yep...I'm guilty-as-charged on this one.

The Jackass

Finally, you got something right.
Maybe if I was from Alabama and had Tim's Southern charm I could have been Jula's escort to some of the wild parties that go on.

Why Al...southern charm? Goodness. Not many people can have southern charm while hanging out at segregation rallies as an infant. I must be talented.

(For those of you just now catching up on this thread, the above is complete and total sarcasm. I abhor the thought of segregation rallies.)
Why Al...southern charm? Goodness. Not many people can have southern charm while hanging out at segregation rallies as an infant. I must be talented.

(For those of you just now catching up on this thread, the above is complete and total sarcasm. I abhor the thought of segregation rallies.)

Wasn't it your hero, George Wallace... the patron saint of Alabama (along with Bear Bryant) who said “I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

I love your state flag:


I've always wondered if it is symbolic of Alabama's religious fervor (St. Andrew's cross) or your state's literacy rate!:yes:

I don't know, Tim. Sometimes you sound like an "accepting" person and other times... like when abortion or gay rights or welfare or taxes are mentioned... you go ballistic and sound like a bible-thumping know-it-all, right-wing whacko bigot.

Tim, I really don't believe you are a racist or a bigot. I don't believe you really believe in the silly things you post here. But I don't understand how you can defend the history of your state and beatify Gov. Wallace. I don't think you know much about the history of either.

I believe the only thing we have in common is the understanding that when people from Alabama move across the border to Mississippi... it raises the I.Q. of both states. :laugh:

Tim, learn to live and let live. Leave your religion and your politics in your bedroom when you leave the house or get on the net. You will be happier, everyone around you will be happier... and you will live longer.


The Jackass

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