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NAA (National Agents Alliance) Products

Re: National Agents Alliance Review

I've posted an extensive review on the national agents alliance company at the

You can also visit

By the way, look at how the number of $100,000 income earners goes up every year....

2001 - 10
2002 - 20
2003 - 40
2004 - 60
2005 - 80
2006 - 100
2007 - 125
2008 - 150
2009 - 175

WOW, dude seriously, you cant post a gross sales number without knowing expenses, and isnt it interesting that expenses are never posted? Show me a NET return instead of gross comp, without
NO RES lic

HEY JAMES i want to work with you what does your 2008/2009 tax returns or P&L statement look like?
I'm new, looking for someone to work with, and it seems like there are NO good programs anywhere. Everyone is screwing everyone. This Forum has been very helpful in that I have steered away from a couple, but at the same time I can't find anyone to work with comfortably. Who out there has something good I can look at and can find positive feedback on this forum?????
Re: National Agents Alliance Review

This is helpful info in making choices. Thanks.
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Did check out iliaa website. Helpful, thanks.
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Right now I'm working on a hair transplant. Doctors are telling me they can take it from my back.
Yes, that hair transplant could also come from the family pet !
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I read someones post about NAA's leads...haha what a joke, your right I wouldn't take those leads if someone paid me to take them. I worked with NAA for about a year, I was just getting into this business and had no idea about prospecting or marketing so I listened to all the hype from my "upline" about how great the leads were and all the garbage about how they generate their leads. I purchased about 50 or 60 leads from naa, many of them were web generated. I had a friend run them phone numbers through the do not call data base and almost every one was a do not call. The ones that werent do not call we so sick of naa agents calling them and reading the SAME script they just hung up on me. The only good thing I got out of NAA was a way into the insurance business. Needless to say,I do not work with naa anymore. I guess I didnt follow the "Proven system" the right way.
If it's so easy to do the "one hour conference call with 100 people", then why is he only meeting with people 1 on 1? I guess he's one of the slow NAA agents.
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On second thought, imagine that if he's slow and makes $500,000 a year what we could make!!! We need to join today!!!!
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Hay Osmolia can you tell me how difficult it was to get released from Naa so you could work with another company? Did you have to wait 6 or 12 months? Anyone else have experience with getting out?
I didnt do anything, i just stopped writing business with them...took their logo off my business cards and became independent. I had no problems...When I first left, I could have still written business through them, I just chose not to.
Ahhh. What great memories these posts bring back. I remember several years ago sitting at an NAA national convention, and listening to CEO Albright talk about "Someday, they'll write a book about NAA". *LOL* I have a funny feeling that when that book gets written, it won't exactly be what he's expecting.


Find yourself a general agency that will give you top comp rates. You should expect 90% at least. Find yourself a lead company that you like. Use the GA to submit your business, educate yourself, and be an independent broker. Stop looking for "programs".
Great advice. Unfortunately most agents, to be successful, need a system.
Developing your own is both expensive and time consuming for the average person.

We are ALL independents. It is the best forum, particularly if an Agent wants to be more than a Salesman, aspiring to become a business owner. With ownership however comes a liability and responsibility in many areas.

To that end, there are many legitimate firms out there that have very real systems to follow. Somewhere, somehow, these programs have to be paid for, so expect that payment to come in the form of fees or a commission level commensurate with your experience, sales volume, etc.

In our own world, we have worked very hard to develop our successful systems and develop agents into business owners.
Our Agents have established sales volume targets to reach their next level. The future is essentially in their hands, not ours -which is how it should be!

Our ethics should also be the very hghest possible in how we treat our clients, our sub-ordinates and our business partners. Professional Integrity is something that is practiced, not learned; and makes us who we are.

So many out there, firms included, forget this, leaving our industry open to so much scrutiny and bad press. Just doing what's right avoids these issues and provides so much reward.

Let's keep it simple. Help those who want to be helped and create new business owners where we can!

Are you with NAA?