New Business Tool - IPad or Laptop?


My license, E&O, and contract requests are all in good order. Just waiting for the carrier appointments to start writing some FE business.

Can you guys tell me what tool(s) you recommend for new business? I am mainly curious about the iPhone, versus iPad, versus laptop decision and pros/cons of each...

I am curious how you all manage having apps at the ready for so many carriers, and what method you use to take apps (when applicable) - written paper, ipad Pro with signature, or a laptop, etc...

Of course, I'll know more after some upcoming ride-alongs...


I have an ipad and a laptop in the car. Never carried either into an FE home. I have my portfolio with me with 4 apps for each of my primary companies and a couple fu apps. And company literature on all. I only take out the legal pad and the lead card.

Once I've found their why and written down their basic info on the legal pad I know which company I'm going to recommend. I pull out that company rate sheet and quote from that. Once we have done the applications and gotten bank info and a phone interview if required I give them the info folders I have on the company they have been placed with. I write on it what they bought, the premium and when the first draft will be. I remind them that I will be delivering the policy before the first draft, {unless I happen to write SNL}, and then move on to next.

I keep extra apps in the car in case the supply that I carry into homes gets low during the day. Also there's apps for companies I don't write much in the car along with those company brochures. And my med sup case with those apps is in the car for when I find some of those buyers.

Also in the car is a folder for each company I have that has all their service forms in them. Beneficiary change forms, assignment forms surrender forms, RPU forms, etc. And I am a notary for when that need arises. And I have my seal for that in the car. I don't carry all that crap into every home.
I am on the Medicare Advantage market. Applications have to be submitted either the day of the sale or the day after or you not only lose the commissions, you also get a ding against your record.

Submitting the application electronically during the appointment means you eliminate the hassle of scanning and faxing the application when you'd rather get some sleep, makes it worthwhile to have an electronic device, at least for me. I prefer a laptop, but I think for most people, an iPad will do just fine.

Even though you don't have the hard and short deadline with other products, I would think that knowing that the app is done while you are FTF with the client makes it worth carrying around an iPad.

An iPad with an external keyboard won't take up much more space in your briefcase than an extra legal pad. An iPad without the keyboard will take up less space.

But you will need paper back up. If you get to a client's house and you can't connect to the Internet, you're screwed unless you have a paper application.
But you will need paper back up. If you get to a client's house and you can't connect to the Internet, you're screwed unless you have a paper application.

It's illegal not to have internet service in CT, isn't it? I'm joking, but it's probably rare not to have it there, right?
Probably overstocked...
Bag includes:
mess of business cards/magnets
Extra pen and sharpy
Term app/FU app
Presentation binder
2 apps from main 6 carriers
1 app from backup 2 carriers
GI Folder for Gw/gerber
IPAD for eapps
Legal pad
It's illegal not to have internet service in CT, isn't it? I'm joking, but it's probably rare not to have it there, right?

It is rare, but it happens every ten or twenty appointments.

I mostly use my cell phone as a wifi hotspot. Most people can't find their wifi password, so I don't ask any more unless I can't get cell service.

We have a lot of cities, but we're still part of New England.

We've got farm land up here. Not nearly as many rural square miles as Tennessee though.

We've got cows, horses, tobacco farms, corn farms, etc.
Come on guys get your kit games up

My kit includes all the necessary apps and stuff but also

1. Beef jerky (if there's a dog it's a treat to keep him at bay....if no dog then it's a mid presentation snack!)
2. Lysol wipes
3. A face mask for those heavy smoker filled rooms that seems more like a French dance club
4. A sixer of Busch lite (preferred some type of special edition can to keep their buzz going...can't have them losing that mid interview and get cranky)

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