Oh God, what Have I Done.

Yes because i am smart enough to market in my town that is FULL of retirement communities and therefore the wear and tear on my vehicle is minimal and my travel time is short. I can't believe this is even a "debate".
Does every thread on this forum become some sort of argument?
$548 for one hours work would (to most normal folks) seem to be decent money. I don't pretend to be some whale chasing financial planner with a slew of alphabet after my name. I am just a dude who figured out how to intelligently market and then maximize the opportunity.
If you have a better way, congrats and "salud".

It's misleading to say you get paid $548 per hour. Most newbies or non insurance people would think that you are making that 8 hours per day, 5 days per week.
No Just your so smart an intelligent that you must be the only guy in america that always closes the deal, Never a no show never a no and never chargeback?

I mean listen its a good business and we know if you work you can make good money but to tell a newbie that he can go out there and make full commission as a per hour is very deceiving, because we all know the 1st couple or years so is not quite that profitable as $550 an hour

Thats just misleading

Ok in that sense, I'll give you that. But what I will say is my chargebacks are few (although frustrating when they occur), my no shows are virtually non existent because I confirm before I walk out the door. I know a lot of guys won't do that because they fear the person was a shaky appointment and given the opportunity to bail, they will. I look at it the other way. If this was a shaky appointment I would rather know before putting the key in the ignition.
I think even a newbie knows we don't sell 8 hours a day. We may prospect 8 hours a day but no one selling our products is selling 40 plus hours a week.
My first year in Medicare, I made $22,000. That was knowing nothing and working as an ICA for United. Granted I had been selling group health since 1992 but my prospects were new, foolishly I didn't cross market my group clients the first year and the sales process was all new with all of the CMS compliance.
Second year, i did significantly better and as I figured out the market, I refined the prospecting, marketing and sales process to what I have today.
6 years later, I don't buy leads, get plenty of referrals and have found a great way to find new people without giving out a credit card.
That makes more sense, However even though I think even a newbie knows we don't sell 8 hours a day. They still when they hear statements like that, They think WOW & don't realize that it takes commitment and a couple years to get a good buis going, In that sense it can be misleading