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Policy Delivery Poll

Do you deliver or mail policies?

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I guess you would have to define what "big" is to you... My experience is all big producers have qualified for a trip(s)


I added up my production so far this year. Keep in mind I took off nearly the whole month of July and I work 2 days in the field most weeks.

If I keep on track my projections should be a little over $160k for the year. Im happy with that. Thats spread over about 10 carriers and my production would actually be less if I had fewer companies in my bag.

I have a couple of other streams of income from way back in the day that still pay me a little money so I like my lifestyle..it gives me time to do the things I enjoy, hobbies, time with my wife and kids and I can buy whatever I want....we live pretty debt free - which is something never discussed regarding newer agents....money management. Anyway, it also enables me to concentrate on building out recruiting platforms that will bring in agents by the barrel every month once all are in place.

I like creating things and my production...even spread over 10 companies allows me to do that, insurance trips...not so much but to each his own.

I think you are the real deal and hope you continue to do what makes you happy.
I concur.

I also believe that it's hard for an agent that has NEVER won & experienced a carrier trip in their career to have a valued opinion on the subject. It simply doesn't hold much clout. This is not directed at anyone in particular BTW. :idea:

if you don't enjoy the trips you are either going with the wrong carriers or you aren't with a good group of people.

I've loved every one of them i've been on.
if you don't enjoy the trips you are either going with the wrong carriers or you aren't with a good group of people.

I've loved every one of them i've been on.

I agree, but I don't believe it's the only measuring tool. I know of several agents that won trips and didn't go on them. That doesn't mean they aren't a top producer. Some agents are into that kind of stuff and some aren't.

There are several other factors as well. If going on a trip automatically makes you someone that agents should listen to, that could be disastrous.

For example agent X goes on a trip that took 60k to win. But that agent took 50 DM per week and only did 150k.

Agent Y didn't win a company trip because he only did 120k spread between 5 carriers but only took 15 DM per week.

I'd much rather listen and learn from the 2nd agent.

Winning a trip can be a measuring tool, but it shouldn't be the only one and DEFINITELY shouldn't be the main one.

I've met some agents on company trips that I wouldn't want to learn ANYTHING from.

Just my .02
I added up my production so far this year. Keep in mind I took off nearly the whole month of July and I work 2 days in the field most weeks. If I keep on track my projections should be a little over $160k for the year. Im happy with that. Thats spread over about 10 carriers and my production would actually be less if I had fewer companies in my bag. I have a couple of other streams of income from way back in the day that still pay me a little money so I like my lifestyle..it gives me time to do the things I enjoy, hobbies, time with my wife and kids and I can buy whatever I want....we live pretty debt free - which is something never discussed regarding newer agents....money management. Anyway, it also enables me to concentrate on building out recruiting platforms that will bring in agents by the barrel every month once all are in place. I like creating things and my production...even spread over 10 companies allows me to do that, insurance trips...not so much but to each his own. I think you are the real deal and hope you continue to do what makes you happy.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but your post appears as you interpreted my response towards you. Matt not every post on here... At least mine are not directed at you... My response was not even to your post. I'm speaking from my experiences.

Don't interpret things as negatives, that are not negative. It will drive you crazy and it's not healthy. I'm speaking from experience.

All of my years of psychotherapy have taught me that we interpret situations based on our own thoughts, feelings and our own needs. Not necessarily on the facts of the situation or how others may perceive it.

Understanding that concept has improved my quality of life immensely.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but your post appears as you interpreted my response towards you. Matt not every post on here... At least mine are not directed at you... My response was not even to your post. I'm speaking from my experiences.

Don't interpret things as negatives, that are not negative. It will drive you crazy and it's not healthy. I'm speaking from experience.

All of my years of psychotherapy have taught me that we interpret situations based on our own thoughts, feelings and our own needs. Not necessarily on the facts of the situation or how others may perceive it.

Understanding that concept has improved my quality of life immensely.


I didnt think it was directed at me... But we are all conversing on the same thread so I was just sharing my experiences. Just having a conversation I thought, jesus.
A lot of this thread is a perfect example of ,one of the many reasons, I have not , and never plan on , working with some of the active users on this forum .....
I certainly appreciate all of the knowledge that can be found on here . Don't get me wrong . I just caution any new agent in the game to research before deciding to work with anyone on or off the forums.

I'm not saying everyone on here is bad to work with. In fact, I'm positive there are fantastic people you can meet on here...... Just research deeper than a signature, private message, website, avatar picture or phone call.

I would just like to caution any agent reading this thread. Do your own research , trust your gut, pray or meditate or think or whatever you do before you are recruited. This is a business that needs to be taken seriously. This is not a game, not for you or the clients who need your help .
To get BACK to the OP .... I've been slightly altering my delivery strategy . I give my client the choice for a, personal, hand delivered policy with a full review or to receive the policy in the mail.

[I try to hand deliver anything over $50-$60 / month..... Although , some policies I cannot mail. some carriers have strict delivery requirements where I am.]

I've had a surprising number of people request for me to mail it (I'd say under 10% - that's a rough %) and more than likely , after they receive the policy and thank you card, if I haven't called them to follow up they have called me to thank me .

I feel this approach has really helped me continue to only give clients what they want and need .

That being said - I tell every client if I have your policy and I'm in the are I'll try to stop by before I shoot it in the mail (keeps me consistent with how I work - I am an avid door knocker for my first attempt to contact a lead- I like it best that way ) If don't get ahold of you then you can expect a phone call stating the policy has been mailed and then a follow up a week or so later making sure it was received. I leave messages on both calls if no answer and really have not had any problems with this method.
Ok, I was in the field yesterday while all this Carrier Trip conversation was going back and forth.
I really regret opening that door and am not sure why I did that in the first place.
I think I just woke up in a mood. Didn't know Spur and Gault broke up at the time either!
As far as I am concerned, there is nothing wrong with with writing 160K a year. That is a lot more than the average FE agent writes, and those numbers are plenty to be proud of.
The best option of all is when the company gives you a cash option you can take instead of the trip. Then you can either go or take the cash and plan your own trip. Not many companies do that though. Oxford is doing something like that now. Aetna has done it before too.

TransAmerica did it last year, they gave points that could be redeemed, I went to London on their dime.