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Prescription Hit MIB

How soon does a prescription get a hit on MIB?

It technically doesn't. What will happen is if someone applies and the other company sees they are on a medication for chf they may report that their application revealed a possibility of chf.

So if your trying to slide one by and they haven't attempted to apply elsewhere, you may get away with it. UNLESS the company does a script check (which everyone I use does). Then it hits the script check as soon as it is filled
Since many Fe cos take a ton of ailments as preferred I really think very few list much on the mib outside activity . Most Fe cos base most of their underwriting on rx checks . That tells them most of what they need.
MIB and prescription screenings are totally separate. Two different items; different vendors. Some carriers do both, some do one or the other, and some do neither.
Milliman Intelliscripts and a few others track Rx but only claims filed with a carrier/PBM.

MIB doesn't track Rx
Do they track meds filled through the VA?

Doubt it.

VA, Medicaid process claims "in house" so I would be surprised if anything reported to MIB or Intelliscript.

MIB and Intelliscript only have records processed through insurance carriers. MIB only has application history for life and health. MIB will show if you applied, were declined or rated.

Intelliscript shows Rx claims processed via insurance/PBM.

Medical treatment and Rx paid by cash flies under the radar. Same for Rx filled out of the country (think Canada).