Recently Released from Nursing Home

Enjoy them while you have them. A little birdie tells me that product is either going away or will start MIBs and script checks in the next few months.

I've been hearing that for 4 years. I think the little birdie is just another afraid of his shadow turkey.
Well glad I ran this one. Even though he forgot I was coming, he was a $2500 AP lay down.

His wife had back surgery and that's why she was in the nursing home. He wants me to come back next week and write her up.
Well glad I ran this one. Even though he forgot I was coming, he was a $2500 AP lay down.

His wife had back surgery and that's why she was in the nursing home. He wants me to come back next week and write her up.

:yes: Glad to hear about your good fortune!!

Would I be wrong to say you appreciate a little payback for all the no-shows, dead beats and flakes you encounter on the path to a paycheck?
I've been hearing that for 4 years. I think the little birdie is just another afraid of his shadow turkey.

Exactly. If they wanted the mib and rx chevk it be on their product by now.

I guess with this logic I can assume that other companies will tweek their own product and make us agents adjust in the near future.
It seemed so ironic when I got the email announcement of Outford's new senior underwriter last night after I got burned by yet another PHI yesterday.

The case seemed like it should have been a slam dunk. Instead I'm slamming the trunk on them until their underwriting department wants to get their phone interviewers more in line with asking only questions from the app or rewording the app according to their stiffer underwriting and MIB research. All no's on the app and one current script for anxiety to take as needed and yet again, I went through a roller coaster of a PHI that ended in a decline.

Ha ha - to their credit, they called me back within 20 minutes to reverse the decline. To their demise, I had already filled out an RNA app and breezed through the PHI. I gave them one more shot because they were less expensive in this situation and I have a debit balance hanging over from a bunch of other Phone Interrogations that ended in charge backs. It will be easier to pay them off with a CC.

That new underwriter is for their medsupp dept, if u get a decline escalate it to Amanda, she us the life underwriter, or do what most of us do, pretty much stop writing them and go with another carrier, in done dealing with bull crap interrogations :)