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T65 Vs 67+ Plus for Med Supps

Does a 67 year old really smell that much worse than a 65 year old? :twitchy:

Good job. :yes:

Doubt it! Lol
But I would have had another sale this week but I couldn’t bring myself to call him back and sign him up.
Can you see why?


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I'm not being a Debbie the downer. I'm the voice of someone who learned the hard way. If we were to take 20 of your clients that allegedly know so much and put them together and let me start asking the them the most easy medicare questions in the world we could think of. For every question they can answer I have to give you 20 dollars and for every question they can't answer you give me 20 dollars. You won't play that game very long I guarantee you.

And here is a thought no doubt to advanced for many. Is it really nice or that necessary to be forcing boring medicare stats and figures down someones throat?

And this is why your clients don't understand. Maybe it's the way you are trying to educate them.

I'll bet you a side bet of $1000 that you would come out on the losing end with KGMom...if you keep the questions fair. By fair, I mean not using some obscure question that is designed just to throw them off.
And this is why your clients don't understand. Maybe it's the way you are trying to educate them.

I'll bet you a side bet of $1000 that you would come out on the losing end with KGMom...if you keep the questions fair. By fair, I mean not using some obscure question that is designed just to throw them off.

I would be stealing your money. Its stealing when you make a bet with a fool and you know you are going to win. There would be no gamble on my part what so ever. I take it you never noticed that more then 80% of the people you come in contact with every day could not even tell you who the vice president is. Most could not begin to tell you the names of both of their state senators. Most people could not even fill in the 50 states if you handed them a blank map. Have you not ever have watched Jimmy Kimmel send a reporter out on the street to ask people the most simple question and the people are clueless? And you think they are going to be able to answer simple questions about medicare? You are in dreamland.

I don't know if they would know about all of that, but once I (or kgmom) educates them, then they'll know.

Sort of like pointing out N. Korea on the map. Do that and then they'll know. As long as you don't try and educate them on the rest of the world at the same time, they'll know.

If your idea of educating your Medicare clients is anything about how they have been educated on the rest of the stuff in their life then no wonder they don't understand/retain the info you try and give.

Sometimes it is the teacher and not the students. For instance, I wouldn't ask LD (sorry LD) to educate a client about Medicare even if he understood everything there ever was to know about it. Why? Because he would make it too complicated. Just his nature. Is that your nature too?

Sometimes its not how much you know, but how much can you really convey.
I would be stealing your money. Its stealing when you make a bet with a fool and you know you are going to win. There would be no gamble on my part what so ever. I take it you never noticed that more then 80% of the people you come in contact with every day could not even tell you who the vice president is. Most could not begin to tell you the names of both of their state senators. Most people could not even fill in the 50 states if you handed them a blank map. Have you not ever have watched Jimmy Kimmel send a reporter out on the street to ask people the most simple question and the people are clueless? And you think they are going to be able to answer simple questions about medicare? You are in dreamland.

Yep those were funny. Jay Leno started them. Personally, I don't watch Kimmel anymore since he got into politics. Along with the rest of the Liberal late night hosts, he makes himself look like a fool. :yes:
the issue is I can't start with both - I have to chose one with this telemarketer's data. I'm sure down the road I will hire another and do both but I have to chose one to start - thanks.

This forum has ADHD and tends to get off track quite often with chest thumping and spitting contests.

Starboard, if still around (you haven't posted since Tuesday) my advice is choose T65.

While you are educating them on their options you are learning along with them. When I shifted to Medicare I wasn't targeting any group but ended up with mostly 67+. I actually did pretty well with that because I understood the underwriting process.

Medicare supplement underwriting is similar but different from other health underwriting. Once you get a handle on it the process is easier. But many agents, including experienced agents, have no idea how to handle an underwritten app so they stick with T65.

You are going to lose some easy sales at the first, but working with T65 teaches you what questions will come up and FORCE you to find answers. You also learn how to say "No one has asked me that before but may I call you back later today or in the morning with the answer? I want to give you the RIGHT answer vs something where I just winged it"

Yes, the 67+ market already (thinks) they understand their options. Yet many of them STILL think they can only change Medigap during open enrollment and believe they won't have to answer health questions.

Unless you know the right questions to ask to pre-screen their medical conditions, you will end up spinning your wheels when you could have moved on to the next T65.

As others have said, try one and see if it works. But you are going to need at least 3 months, maybe 6, to figure out of the market you chose is the right one for you. If you get lucky you only wasted a few months. But if you guessed wrong you have blown a year and perhaps a lot of scratch.
