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I think I will add to my yearly emails that I won't accept referrals on mapd plans. I'm tired of being the messenger of bad news.

Yeah, they are terrible plans and everyone on them hate it. That’s why 60% of America will be on them come 2024. Keep trying to scare people though if it helps you sleep at night.
Just got a call from a frantic wife at hosp, husband 81 on uhc mapd and is in urgent need of acute phys therapy. All 3 doctors state its necessary. The uhc panel denied it a 2nd time. "What can she do as she starts to cry? Why can't he get a med supp? Shouldn't that be illegal?"

Mapd agents. What do I tell her except appeal appeal appeal?

Still waiting on an experienced mapd agent for suggestions on what to tell this person to get appeal approved?
Still waiting on an experienced mapd agent for suggestions on what to tell this person to get appeal approved?

(1) Switch companies.
(2) Appeal with lawyer.
(3) Get back on Medicare and supplement, if possible.
(4) Pray.
(5) Die.
Several hundred on MA? Let me know when you become a big producer and get to a 1000? Then the law of #'s and denials will hit you

But shouldn’t I at least get 1 call with that many if you get so many with 0 clients? Maybe mine are all calling you?
I had a lady call yesterday that had a procedure denied with Humana. Told her to call and find out why and let me know what they said. Good luck ma'am.