Upcoming TIP interview with JD


Hey guys. So starting this Sunday we are going to start uploading our series with JD on The Insurance Panel. For those who worry we don't let the guests talk enough, I think out of an hour+ of recording there is about 8 minutes of people who are not JD talking.

On top of that JD has kindly offered to do a bonus Q&A like Jose has done.

This is a more formal interview type recording with just him and me and not the more open conversation that a regular episode would be.

So, if there is anything you have ever wanted to ask JD post it here or email it to [email protected]
Enjoying the videos but not a huge fan of the turn to chopping up the videos into little videos....

Those people complaining about videos being too long, maybe leave the video it's full length and just put bookmarks in the videos for those of us who can manage watching a longer video at one time or an easy point to return to....instead of broken conversations...and .... Netflix binge mentality and all...
Enjoying the videos but not a huge fan of the turn to chopping up the videos into little videos....

Those people complaining about videos being too long, maybe leave the video it's full length and just put bookmarks in the videos for those of us who can manage watching a longer video at one time or an easy point to return to....instead of broken conversations...and .... Netflix binge mentality and all...
Appreciate the feedback. I prefer the full videos myself, but the preference for shorter videos has been pretty overwhelming. If we get more people like you saying they want the full video we will reassess.

But, and if anyone can help me figure this out I would be greatful, I have raw audio only files for everything we have done that wasn't a live stream. I am thinking of putting those out as a podcast for people who don't dk YouTube or who don't want the broken up format.

The only thing holding me back right now is the tech side of posting podcasts.
You kept JD to less than an hour of talking? I don't believe it =).
When I did that interview with JD I had no idea what we were going to do. He had just stopped in my office and was talking away a mile per minute and I thought, wow all these agents that are curious about final expense would love to have JD explain all this to them. So I just said JD do you mind if I turn on a recorder and just record our talking? He said no problem.

You can tell when I started I didn’t even have a clue what I was going to say. But luckily I said something like Tell us a little bit about yourself. And off he ran!

That recording launched a thousand careers!
J D Question - with probably +- 1,000 clients. How does he handle routine service work such as bene & bank. Coverage and billing questions. Refer them to the HO or mail them forms?

His referrals and clients buys additional coverage has to be substantial.

BTW, I like the way you channel is as is. Not something I watch trying to do paperwork. More while vacuuming the pool with headphones or on the patio TV with a cup of coffee. I like the casual guys talking shop vibe. I know it is FE focused however, I recommend it for life insurance agents in general. Many of the same principles apply. IMohsoHO