What is the Best Way to Learn


New Member
My 1st and previous post yielded little response, one to be exact. Hopefully this post is not so boring and I can get some input.

I have read a lot of posts on the forum. But I still would like to know, what is the best way to start in P & C. Should I work for a captive agency for a year or so to learn the ropes, work for an independent agency to get the experience, or am I better off going indy right from the start.

While I have the capital to start my own business right now, I want to make sure that I know what I am doing before I start working with clients totally independent.

If I do work for an agency when I start, will I be able to take my business when I leave? What is the norm?

Thanks! I know, the getting started in P&C may be boring, but I would really appreciate any input.
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I"m not a p and c agent...but...Go work for someone else and learn the ropes before investing your own money into something you don't know about....
In P&C, you very rarely take your business with you when you leave.

I'd suggest working for someone who resembles closely to what you think you want to do. If possible, work for a short while with both captive and independent. There is a huge difference in how they work and what the challenges are, it would be a great learning experience.

Thanks, I really appreciate the info and I have decided that I will work for someone else first to learn the business.

Should I just call independent P&C agencies and ask if they would hire me? Or should I go the Allstate, Geico, etc route?

Being with a captive agency, would I be able to write life "on the side" if I wanted to for an acquaintance?

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