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What was your first AEP like?


New Member
At the significant risk of having people want to boast and one-up each other, I'm genuinely curious what everyone's first AEP experience was like and, most importantly, how many sales you made during your first AEP. I just want to go in with my eyes open and have this thread be a resource for future new agents.
Different than it would be today If I were starting

The real question is what will you be doing to get in front of people?
At the significant risk of having people want to boast and one-up each other, I'm genuinely curious what everyone's first AEP experience was like and, most importantly, how many sales you made during your first AEP. I just want to go in with my eyes open and have this thread be a resource for future new agents.

I don't recall my numbers from my first AEP, but Medicare wasn't my primary market back then. The biggest thing you need is a steady flow of qualified prospects. If you can make that happen, you'll be just fine.
Aaaaand we are off track. Shocking.

Most of the people answering probably were in the business before AEP even existed, so we aren't that great of resource. I think the average is around 50. Again, AEP should not the be your goal. The goal is 10-20 a month, 12 months a year.
First AEP was fun...would've liked more, but wouldn't we all. Next one will be planned much more effectively. I've been planning that now. I didn't out-do myself, but for what it's worth I'll post about it. :)

We are all different, with different goals, and in different phases of life. I just hit 50s and financially secure with very few bills, all major assets are paid for long ago. I also work another job, and then was away from town and not working at all either job about 20 days of AEP.

Two super simple main things I did: 3000 mailers (2000 low-income and 1000 T65 was all I could scrounge up last minute) and 3 short and easy events at a local VFW. The result was 36-ish enrollments, about 8 of which were new to MAPD. A few fell off, and I had to go get them back (time-consuming headache but accomplished that) Also did a few handfuls of GTL. 5 or so were DSNP. Some were low income but not full QMB+.

Hindsight, 9000 mailers would've put me in a great position, but I would've had to greatly expand my driving area, which I am not flexible in. It was hard enough to get the 3000 last-minute mailers in the area I wanted due to availability through the only vendor I knew about at the time.

I was very new to Medicare (not health ins in general) and doing the spaghetti throw a little based on FMO toutings and some things I did or tried to do were a bust (ex, Dollar General never got going but wasted time on it-I think I posted about this in another thread).

For the first AEP, it wasn't supposed to happen until this year....my FMO was the ONLY reason I got going this past one....I was barely contracted and certified and ready to go. The idea of Medicare wasn't even a seed in my head until late July 2021.

1st AEP was a good experience. I learned a ton at what felt like a fast pace. Learned I'm going to avoid dementia and DSNP... I also learned a ton more since.

The range of enrollments during AEP for agents at the FMO I am at is under 10 to over 200...there was one woman who did over 300 but she was in her 4th AEP. One guy did over 200 who was newer--he had a good Walmart and I believe was an anomaly, and I'm not sure if it was his 1st or 2nd AEP. Quite a few people did around 100.

I'm going with kgmoms idea now and that's going fine. 10 a month, give or take. Being on a hamster wheel at this stage of life will never happen.
The problem with coming aep as far as leads go is how will the new cms rules as far as taping conversations and possibly appts event everything ? We don’t know what the final final law will look like . Some people are saying it doesn’t pertain to face to face agents . I know it will be very tough setting appts if the first line you have to say and record is “ I don’t represent all plans in the area . To compare all plans call 1-800 Medicare for your options “ . I’m going extra hard from now until until Oct 1 to put as many as I can on the books not knowing how aep will be . If aep is going to be tough I’ll spend 4 weeks calling existing clients and moving all that want to move . I’ll spend 1/2 my time on retention . Let’s see how things shake out . Or I’ll spend much more time with aca open enrollment.
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