Why Not Expect 100 Referrals As a Minimum?

Boy oh Boy, this guy is pure magic. At 6AM I am still fast asleep.

Also I would like to know where in hell he can find a motel for $20 per night. Wherever it is, it must have extremely comfortable beds to induce dreams of only a 10% cancellation rate. :D

If I made that kind of money in one day, why would I want to stay in some cheap $20 a night motel, with wet carpet from the AC leaking and roaches crawling all over the room? A room that hookers use?

He lost me at that part of his story. I'm calling BS on the $20 motel room!:yes:
PowerPlayer: Your "advice" is spam and nobody here is biting. Your old school prescriptions for selling don't work anymore and there are reasons "mentors" like you in this business are responsible for the 95% failure rate. Please go and sell with organizations like NWML. Your scripts with them might fit.

What is your deal with bashing Northwestern?

This post on referrals is ridiculous. I would punch a person in the face if they told me to write down 50+ names. A successful agent will get an average of 2-3 referrals and at most 15-20. I've found that if you bring a list of co-workers or neighbors they can star the people that might be good to contact.
I just glanced through his appointment day diary. I couldn't handle reading it entirely too much BS> I did read where he filled out 3 apps in 10 minutes but he didn't allow the 15 minutes for the 100 referrals. Man oh man I won't read any of his posts unless i have my shovel handy and my boots on.
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I got on this thread thinking there may be some interesting and handy advice but instead got a thread full of laughs. I couldn't imagine anyone knowing so many people to list them and to have all their addresses and phone numbers.
Are you guys sure the thread author wasn't just yanking your chain too? or he is and you all knew all along. I could not imagine if he was serious .:twitchy:
You guys ever look at a bumped thread from a while ago and read a post and think "what tool wrote that?" then look at the poster and think "...oops..."

No? Nevermind then...
Reminds me of the old Western Southern days when the sales manager would boast about never leaving the clients house with less than 10 referrals. Everytime I watched him in real life he was lucky to get 1 or 2 amd all the other agents witnessed the same thing.