Another Panda Update Approved, Coming Soon


1000 Post Club
I've been getting very fond of google panda updates. content scrapers beware!

my content may be mediocre at best, but at least I wrote the content! hoping this 3rd panda update makes me as happy as the first two did. it seems that the small time agencies get a little bit of "catch up" against the big insurance/lead companies with each update.

Coming Soon: Google Panda Update 2.2
Don't hold your hopes too high. Hopefully it's a more thorough update than what all are experts expecting it to be.

From reading through various SEO circles and authoritative blogs, it looks like search engines will start implementing a new meta tag: rel="author", which could be easily manipulated and that the main point of Panda update.

This meta tag on your original website would be :
<link rel="author" href="" />
A two minute script job will allow the content scrappers to change this tag and apply it to their scrapper sites:
<link rel="author" href="" />
This comment was interesting.

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I am not holding my breath, nor am I expecting my little site to topple esurance. but with each panda update, good things seem to happen.
Keep it real and over the long term you will be much better off. Google's business relies on getting the best answers to questions. The spend countless hours and money trying to root out those who are gaming the system.

Your blog answers questions people have about insurance. Keep answering questions in your blog about things that would cause people find you when they are looking for insurance. When it comes to seo...the tortoise is the best vehicle in the long term.