Are There Any Really Good Insurance Lead Companies?

Good lead companies aren't shared... It's kind of like sharing your amazing new girlfriend or boyfriend with your single, hungry, and flirtatious friends...
You may want to take a look at aged insurance leads. To learn how to work them you can request some recorded webinars we did with different insurance agents on how they successly make insurance sales with them.

You can request these recorded webinars at Aged Insurance Leads Info Request Form

Recorded webinars have been done on different topics including working aged life insurance leads, aged health insurance leads, etc.
There are decent lead companies out there, you just have to work to sell the leads. Producer Pipeline has been a constant above average performer for my agents. They close about 40% of them. It's not the ideal way to get leads. I always suggest purchasing exlusive leads otherwise you end up in competition with a call center who buys the same lead and you cannot possibly, physically even, compete with their dialers.
I've had some luck with Aged/Substandard leads. Even then it was because I could get people with illnesses covered that others couldn't like Hep c, sickle cell, etc.