Changing from Final Expense to...

I realize this is an older post, however I would like to know more about your marketing to this niche. I sent you an email.
Thanks for all the feedback thus far - I did F2F for about 2.5 years and I did tele sales for maybe 6 months.

I don’t have a problem with effectively communicating concepts and making them simple to understand. Although, I’m not interested in diving back into the same clientele. I’d like to work with a different clientele I’m just not sure who that is at this time.

A large part of me wants to help out families with mortgage protection.
Another part of me thinks I should do some more research on the different markets / clients that are out there before I commit.
I felt the same and started working the Mortgage Protection market. It gave me access to similar products and a more upscale clientele. Everything in the MP market works mostly the same as FE, that being a one call close and simple issue products. PM me and we can talk further.
I felt the same and started working the Mortgage Protection market. It gave me access to similar products and a more upscale clientele. Everything in the MP market works mostly the same as FE, that being a one call close and simple issue products. PM me and we can talk further.
I'm all set now :) I have been back into the Final Expense via Telesales with DigitalBGA for a few years now.