Drug "Abuse" Case - Thoughts?

Recent Suboxone = decline. Same as Methadone in an underwriter's eyes...needs at least 12 months off Suboxone before they'll consider anything. I've run into Suboxone cases like this one 3-4 times before, never had a policy issued. They either relapsed or never followed up (probably because they relapsed).
The guy is kind of caught between a rock and a hard place on graded policies - in Pennsylvania, the carriers he could medically qualify for under a SIWL either don't offer their graded plan in his state or he's too young for their program.

He said another agent was able to find a $50k WL policy for him (which I don't think is actually possible with the suboxone use and drug abuse history) so I told him to grab it because that's all he's going to get right now. He understands he needs a min 1 year for any SIWL policies and 2 years for any traditional coverage considerations.