Has our business changed? Will agents return to face-to-face?

Many have transitioned well to tele-sales and Zoom meetings. Will agents want to get back in their cars to drive two hours to be stood up when they can simply sell remotely? Will early lapse rates increase without the personal connection? Thoughts?

My guess. Which all anyone really has.

Some will go back to 100% F2F. Some will go 100% Phone/internet.

The majority will do both to a degree. As the F2F guys get more comfortable with the closing sales and especially writing existing clients by phone more will do more by phone. As the old guys die out or retire more incoming agents will see phone and internet as normal.

How many agents do not use a quoting system like FEXQuotes, Eapp or facebook leads? I am sure there are many that rarely use quoters, eapps or facebook leads. I am sure that there are many that do also.

Now, of course all of the phone policies will immediately be replaced by all the killer F2F guys.

Come on JD! Dang it! Don't let me get away with this.
I'm just about wrapped on week 6 of my adventures in telesales (I count my week Friday - Thursday, for reasons, it's not important) I've written about 35k in that time, with week one being basically blank and getting about 7 leads a day for about $10 each. So... I'm doing OK. I feel like I have the phone sales thing figured out and am only spending about 6 hours each day actively dialing leads or talking to leads.

That said, if I could I would go back to face to face tomorrow. I feel totally trapped being locked onto the phone all day. I miss sales I would have closed in person, I hate getting hung up on. Twice now I have been hung up on mid Phi, I don't even know what that is about. I can see the appeal, but honestly, I don't like it at all.
That said, if I could I would go back to face to face tomorrow ... I can see the appeal, but honestly, I don't like it at all.

I like having the option to do whatever I want. I don't like the current situation where I only have one option.

Sounds like you are doing great with a short learning curve.

I am lucky I have had people who could help me flatten the curve. Every week is a little less brutal than the one before. But I'm really done with this whole desk and computer thing. I got into insurance to get away from that.
I am lucky I have had people who could help me flatten the curve. Every week is a little less brutal than the one before. But I'm really done with this whole desk and computer thing. I got into insurance to get away from that.

Think of the bright side. Phone agents only need to shower once per week!