How Long Do You Wait After Calling a Lead Back?

"Now I understand why you are the leader of an organization with 75,000 members!"

We are down to 47,000 members. Starting this year, we deleted the membership of all deceased members, residents of Nicaragua, and anyone who averaged more than three posts per day on the Forum.
Somewhat related to frequency of contact. If you can not reach the lead, do you e-mail out quotes? I recall seeing that some do. Any thoughts on the upside and downside to this, and perspective would be most appreciated. Thanks!
But should you not "touch" somebody at least 4 times? Is that not the thing, persistence?
there is so many schools of thought to this age old question - to hammer away at them or to not.
It seems to me that I have had my most success when I stayed right on top of them - they showed interest and now I am calling them back.( would rather lose some for too much contact than lose them from no contact, cant get deals from no contact)
They don't pick up the phone, they don't respond to voice mails , they wont return email notes. -sound familiar? I hate being that guy . After what you feel comfortable with as a sales approach ( I like several calls a day one voice mail -let them see my caller ID-- and an email or two) do this for as many days as you feel is appropriate and what your comfortable with or stretch it out over a wek or two again depending on your supply of leads.
If you don't have an endless supply of leads you may choose to be a little more gentle if you do have the a high number of leads available maybe your a little more aggressive, but my main point is after you feel you have had enough try sending a really frank email like this - you will be amazed at the response - may not be a response you want to hear like ya I want to buy - but a high percentage will respond and tell you no thanks or with the impending global economic meltdown we have spent all our money on seeds, feul and farming equipment call me back after the opocolypse.
Hi Bob,

I hope you had a good start to your week.

I hate being that (salesperson/your title) that keeps pestering someone for an answer and I am sure your not a big fan of it either.

But when we spoke last week/month you seem interested in learning more about how we can help you .....

Let me know either way so I can stop giving you a headache :)


I have seen huge spikes in responses with the real difficult folks who at one time bought or showed interest. They are appoligetic many times as well for not getting back with your sooner.

Have fun with the email they arnt getting back to you anyway LOL