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If You Like Your Commissions You Can't Get Your Commissions

Several of my clients work in the Medicaid and Medicare markets. Uncle Sam takes their damn sweet time paying these people. Sometimes payment for services provided can run over a year.

Who in their right mind ever thought the government would change their spots on this service? Did anybody really think the government payment portion was going to be prompt?

This is why I didn't jump headfirst into this stuff. For the little I did, it turned into a big time eater and basically gave me a huge headache. I can't imagine how hard it must be for those agents who have committed too much of their business to the ACA.
So true. Definite 80/20 rule in effect here.

80% of my new biz went OFF exchange = 20% of my servicing time
20% went on exchange = 80% of my servicing time.
I understand Fl Blue actually sent out "partial commissions" yesterday on ACA business written last year. Great right?

ADCAHB WON T RELEASE IT!!!!!! especially to it's "other" agencies. The redheaded step children!

Work your butt off spending more time on the phone with angry clients "lost applications" "technical issues" keeping the peace between FL Blue and the client and this is what you get! NOTHING! Now why would I think I keep getting lied to. I'm afraid to enroll people for fear that if I do more than 10 a week it will swamp the system and I won't see reimbursement till next enrollment system. Anyone who thinks that Insurers are not trying to get rid of agents, wake up and smell the coffee. They want your clients then you gone! :goofy:
I understand Fl Blue actually sent out "partial commissions" yesterday on ACA business written last year. Great right?

ADCAHB WON T RELEASE IT!!!!!! especially to it's "other" agencies. The redheaded step children!

Work your butt off spending more time on the phone with angry clients "lost applications" "technical issues" keeping the peace between FL Blue and the client and this is what you get! NOTHING! Now why would I think I keep getting lied to. I'm afraid to enroll people for fear that if I do more than 10 a week it will swamp the system and I won't see reimbursement till next enrollment system. Anyone who thinks that Insurers are not trying to get rid of agents, wake up and smell the coffee. They want your clients then you gone! :goofy:

If they want my clients without me they're the one's that need to wake up and smell the coffee! I will gift wrap them all and put a bow on the box and hand deliver them. :D Good Riddance!
A better question is...............has the gov't paid the APTC to insurance companies yet? Anybody have confirmation of this?

Once this is paid, we will be paid.

Middle of Feb...........and carriers still waiting
So sad that you are all working so hard to help people and have to wait to be paid all due to the aca.
I am still waiting for my aep paychecks from flblue on what I wrote for Medicare products.