Im seeking advice from health agents!!

I do have pricing on this and the link to that is in my signature. Keep in mind that I did say this would be limited. No one company is going to be able to get mass quantity unless they buy out all my availability. It will be designed for the single agents or very small shops. Very limited and very warm. That's the model.

Also your math is off. if you generate 80 leads in 120 man hours that is more like 2/3 of a lead per hour not 1.5 leads per hour. I wish i could get 1.5 leads per hour.....hehe.

If you have any more questions fire away!
The Free leads are being given away now, all I want to do is prove myself here. I look forward to this. Thanks!

To see these please visit the Leads section.....

Actually instead of doing that to this thread....I wanted to start another giving the leads away. My goal is to show the board that I'm here to conduct very honest business and make a select few people money. check it out...
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UPDATE: those leads are going pretty good so far.

I just had a coule questions as far as the sales side of the deal that might help help me understand it from your side (actual agents) a little. ..

1) On an invdivual health policy....what is the average commision? and how is it piad? is it once a year? monthly? From the people I have talked to it varies but there has to be some sort of medium right? What would you say a person makes each year per policy, again on average if that is possible at all?

2) What is the goal for client base for hte average agent? I know there are some that will never stop growing but what is the average? Im trying to figure out at what point can a person just live off of referrals from that base if they had a GOOD client referral and retention plan. Do most people have at least 200-400 clients in their database?

Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance!
Commish on individual health policies varies from state.

$300-$600 is a typical range.

Since health is a bid different than P&C...I'm not sure one ever feels comfortable getting to a point and living off renewals and referrals.

One day, ind. health might be gone. Not P&C.
Thanks for the post,

OK so sounds like everyone likes P & C (property and casual im assuming, correct me if im wrong).
Are the commisions bigger on these types of policies. What percentage of business' get some type of property? What types of business get them i should say?

Also you mentioned Induvisual health may be gone one day? What makes you say that? Are rules and regs changing on it or is there some other options out there for folks?
Sounds like you are trying to price your leads according to how much the agent makes. What we earn and how we are paid is irrelevant to your pricing.

You are calling businesses, some will have group insurance, some individual plans and some will have no insurance.

Individual health plans can be a quicker sale and more profitable in the short run, but group plans take longer to materialize and tend to be more profitable long run.

I expect to recoup my total cost of acquiring a new client in 60 - 90 days. I know what my ROI is, but that is based on leads that generally run $5 - $8.

At $22 - $50 each I have to re-evaluate my business model and see if it is profitable or not.

At $5 per lead I invest roughly $65 to gain a new client.

At $22 in order to achieve the same ROI (and assuming only one policy is sold) I must close at a higher rate than with shared internet leads.

There are several unknowns the agent has to evaluate and that will occur only over a period of time.

How quickly does the sale materialize, and how much revenue can be generated. If selling multiple individual policies the return can be quite good. If selling group, it will take a lot longer to recoup the investment.
I appreciate your post however your off base with my intentions of that question, pretty good assumption but off just a bit.

The reason for my question has nothing to do with pricing of my leads. Those are already set based of what my costs are and what I want to make per lead. I am not changing the pricing on those as they are set on my webt site.

The reason I asked those questions is because I am trying to see if my Client Retention / Referral plan will work for this industry. I use it for Real Estate, Auto, Mortgage, and loan modification and the program flat out works in those fields. I wanted to see if $21 per year per client is worth it in this industry from an agent perspective? From the sounds of it 300-700 would make sense to add that client to this program as it will yield at least one referral per client every 6 months on average, my thinking is that it might be even higher referral percentage in this field.

Sounds like you are trying to price your leads according to how much the agent makes. What we earn and how we are paid is irrelevant to your pricing.

You are calling businesses, some will have group insurance, some individual plans and some will have no insurance.

Individual health plans can be a quicker sale and more profitable in the short run, but group plans take longer to materialize and tend to be more profitable long run.

I expect to recoup my total cost of acquiring a new client in 60 - 90 days. I know what my ROI is, but that is based on leads that generally run $5 - $8.

At $22 - $50 each I have to re-evaluate my business model and see if it is profitable or not.

At $5 per lead I invest roughly $65 to gain a new client.

At $22 in order to achieve the same ROI (and assuming only one policy is sold) I must close at a higher rate than with shared internet leads.

There are several unknowns the agent has to evaluate and that will occur only over a period of time.

How quickly does the sale materialize, and how much revenue can be generated. If selling multiple individual policies the return can be quite good. If selling group, it will take a lot longer to recoup the investment.
Does anyone have any known client retention programs being offered by any marketing companies? I was hoping to compare apples to oranges with ours to see if the return is the same compared to the cost. Im sure most agents may already do some sort of email news letter or even mail of some sort. What works the best to retain a high percentage of clients and also what works best to get referrals?

Any feed back will allow me to figure out better ways to get more and retain more clients. We have some programs now that Realtors and Loan mod agencies have been using to keep their client bases groing as they attempt to fix the housing market. The product has been working so far and Im wondering if they could work here as well. Any feed back on what people are doing now will give me some idea of the industry in the aspect of referral and client retention goes would be greatly appreciated!:)
Quick question.... i attend many of the Mortgage conventions and market myself and my services at them to that field. i am wondering if there are health Insurance Conventions and or expos. if so what are the big ones to attend? Are there any in Vegas? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.