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Lee/Internet Leads Done Right


Hi. Looking through the forum, I see several ppl have used Lee and Internet Leads Done Right to help them generate FB/website leads. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what their lead conversion rate is ? I would be doing Medicare primarily, as well as some FE. Just trying to see if it's worth the initial $2500 outlay. Thanks in advance.
Just trying to see if it's worth the initial $2500 outlay

It may work for someone else, but not for you . . . or, it may work for you but not someone else.

Give 10 people the same number and quality of leads . . . will each candidate produce similar results to the others?

Not likely.

Everyone works leads differently. Some that I walk away from will probably be closed by the next one in line. Conversely, I may close someone that another agent tried to wear them down to get them to buy and they refused.

Through out my career I have enjoyed a reasonably high close ratio and equally high retention. It wasn't always that way. Early on I failed more than I succeeded . . . and got fired more than once for lack of production.

When I learned to throw away the sales script, study the psychology of the sale, and how to adapt to a presentation that was comfortable for me by batting average took off. For the last 30 years "my way" has generated more income than I ever imagined doing it the way my manager wanted me to.

Your comment, "trying to see if it is worth the initial $2500" is self-defeating. It seems you are unwilling to risk $2500 to possibly earn considerably more than that over 12 months. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable investing $200/month for the next year chasing leads that have been sold multiple times?

I don't know Lee and have never worked with him. But I do know several of his connections (https://www.linkedin.com/in/lee-oneill/) and the ones I know are not the type to endorse someone just because they are "buds".

Two years ago I committed $300/mo to a FB campaign that has been profitable but not as successful as I feel it should or could be. That was a big step for me, agreeing to invest in something that might never have paid off . . . but I took the risk and it is one I have not regretted.

Last year I tried direct mail for the first time . . . MAJOR investment, but it has paid off.

One sale per month covers my FB campaign for that month . . . twofers, residuals and referrals are gravy.

I need 3 to 4 sales per month to cover my DM nut. It has been slow to pick up speed but thanks to a few very good months I am doing just fine. And that DOES count twofers, residuals and referrals.

$2500 is an investment, not a cost. You are looking at this all wrong.

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.

Learn to fish.
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Hi. Looking through the forum, I see several ppl have used Lee and Internet Leads Done Right to help them generate FB/website leads. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what their lead conversion rate is ? I would be doing Medicare primarily, as well as some FE. Just trying to see if it's worth the initial $2500 outlay. Thanks in advance.

What are you doing now for leads?

You could buy Facebook leads for around $20 a lead most times when you speak with some one you find they were only looking for free benefits or money back in the part B or they were changes in Medicare whatever

With Lee you are in control of what the ad says

My ads don't mention free stuff Explicitly are about quotes

But he will set them up how you want if you want the same ads your paying $20 for youll pay a lot less

My leads were running about $15 but my leads did not use those tactics

I had to shut down with CRM issues their phone system was coming up as spam. but now I a, using agent pilot and will start them up again next week
Was the CRM part of Lee's package or a different service?

No I was using the phone system through radius I have been on here complaining about contact issues over the last year since

I even had to use my cell to call some customers because I was going right to voicemail and they were not even getting that voicemail

RB just said its changing times and cells phones whatever Over the last year I've tired everything to work with it but I ended up stopping all my marketing except the inbound

I am making better contact now using Agent pilot its not perfect but phone contact is much better and the AI text messaging picks up more contacts on top of that
Just my opinion, but almost everyone has caller ID now and I am seeing more spoofed "local" numbers than before. No name on the phone display, just (local city) and GA.

I never answer those and my system is (almost) trained to send those straight to voicemail and most of the callers do not leave a message.
Just my opinion, but almost everyone has caller ID now and I am seeing more spoofed "local" numbers than before. No name on the phone display, just (local city) and GA.

I never answer those and my system is (almost) trained to send those straight to voicemail and most of the callers do not leave a message.

I agree but I was only able to contact 1 or 2% of my leads no matter what the vendor or method

I just could not operate that way

Now I am doing much better its very noticeable
Just my opinion, but almost everyone has caller ID now and I am seeing more spoofed "local" numbers than before. No name on the phone display, just (local city) and GA.

I had a call from someone a couple of days ago who told me they had missed a call from my number. Wasn't me. Mike from auto warranties or Sophie from Senior Disability Services must have gotten to my number on their spoof list.
The days on only calling outbound leads wether net or dm and getting a roi are over with . Too many screening software systems out there . It’s either direct transfer ,tv leads or dking leads and if course referrals. Dking is tough but I control my i destiny .I had my son hitting heads hard last week and few answered . Foreign Tm’s destroyed it calling 50 times a day. I used Lee for a long time . Great leads but risk on him . He’ll be long gone in 3 months . Id never pay over $500 for any system . Things change and you have to learn to change and calibrate leads . Paying $2500 a joke
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