New to the Business Have Lots of Questions

I started 2 years ago with Western & Southern Life, and made great money, but the job was A JOB... 8 to 4 every day, if you miss a day they take your weekly commission and DEDUCT it 1/5!!!! Which never made ANY sense to me. BUT it was a great way to learn the business and they have a great reputation.

I then went independent for about a year, but was only selling on a VERY VERY limited amount of time, due to illness and another job (for health insurance reasons). LOVED being an indy, and working with F.I.G.... they treat you well, and have all sorts of info to help agents out.

Now, due to lack of funds, I am going captive again with AGLA, at least until I can earn my way out of this rut, and then we will see. AGLA and W&S both offer the same decent starting salary, and the comp plan with AGLA isn't bad at all, so it should be a great place to work. Time will tell

Good luck,

Oh, keep in mind that alot of life companies WILL NOT advance an ind agent, so you got to sell ALOT before money starts coming in the door in any meaningful size...
>>Oh, keep in mind that alot of life companies WILL NOT advance an ind agent, so you got to sell ALOT before money starts coming in the door in any meaningful size...

You may want to check that again. Most do.
Oh, keep in mind that alot of life companies WILL NOT advance an ind agent, so you got to sell ALOT before money starts coming in the door in any meaningful size...

Aside from being wrong, what kind of a product is "ALOT?" I've never heard of it.

If mean you must sell "a lot," then I understand you.

So I guess you can also be called Rebel-without-a-clue-how-to-spell.:D
