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One Month Doing Cold Calling

I'm going to do some door to door actually. How many people actually let you in or what do you do to segue if you can show them what you have to offer? ---------- To be quite honest I sell final expense and I'm trying to raise money for mail drops through cold calling for appointments. That may not be working very well at the moment. I imagine I sound canned. The reason being is I talk pretty fast on the phone so I tried to slow down my words. I just need to keep on going so to get more natural at it. If it helps I am calling usually between 12-4. Im not sure if I should be calling later or earlier since I get a lot of people who don't pick up or answering machines. I've had a good number of people tell me wrong number and a few saying they're all taken care of.

Where did you get the script you are using? With a decent script you should easily get 1 good lead per hour.
if you have gone one whole month without getting a single lead, there are many things wrong.

1. your data has to be off
2. you have to be off
3. your script has to be off

Here is what you need to remember about lead generating:

You are not, I repeat, you are not selling. Your goal is not to get someone interested. You are not trying to convince someone of anything. All you are doing is exposing people who ARE interested. If they are, they become a lead. If they are not interested, you let them go and you move on.

This is critically important when generating leads. Again we are not talking about selling here. Lead generation is monkey work that anyone can do because all you are doing is reading a script and they are either interested or they are not.

-You should find someone who can either give you a script, or they can help you adjust your current one (try to find a new one).

-You should remember to talk slightly faster than your prospect. Do not give them room to butt in and ask you things. You should get your script out and so they can respond to the whole message.

-I would get new data from a reliable source.

-If a name pops up that is Mr. David Jones, do not ask for David. Ask for Mrs. Jones. Women buy insurance at a far greater rate than men do. Most of the time mrs jones will be there. If there is no mrs jones or she isnt there all you have to do is apologize and say you meant to say mr jones.

GL bro
Prospecting for final expense is tough no matter what method you use!

However, at least with face to face prospecting, you can get a idea of whether your targeting the right income demographics by walking up to the door. If there's a giant RV parked in the driveway, you can probably skip that one, or switch to a med supp pitch.

Age 55+ trailers parks are usually a good bet to door knock for FE.
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I'd say a month with no to little results...i'm thinking an adjustment to your approach may benefit you. Do you get to listen to others calling and seeing if they have any successes if so maybe they could provide you some assistance?

Good luck
I'd say a month with no to little results...i'm thinking an adjustment to your approach may benefit you. Do you get to listen to others calling and seeing if they have any successes if so maybe they could provide you some assistance?

Good luck

To be quite honest I'm on my own but I am trying to get in with a company part time while I keep my part time job. I am planning to slowly ween myself out of my dead end job and onto a full time job in insurance. I had a really bad experience with mass mutual and I know companies like new york life would never keep a pt job even if it were just to pay my bills.
It takes me all week to knock on 500 doors! Maybe cold calling would be a more efficient use of my time, especially with that many dials in a day!

Whatever you do, just keep at it! Next month may just be your best month yet!
I don't think that it's possible to call 500 numbers per day, even if they're wrong numbers , and not make several sales per week.

Are you sure your phone is working? Are you making sure that you have a dial tone, if it's a landline, or that you hear the phone ringing if it's a cell?

Honestly, if you're serious, then I apologize, but it's really not believable. Are you fishing for some good info. or free leads?