One of those Books that Changes Things for You

I ordered this book off amazon for about 10 or 12 bucks with shipping included, i started to read the sample chapters and when it cut me off, I had to buy it....

I am currently reading the game of numbers by Nick Murray I believe. I love it. but this one has a very original approach to motivating advisors to prospect, definitely something to read through once a year. to keep up your game.

"our profession is prospecting" - Nick Murray
Thanks!! After an extended 4 week vacation, I've been having a hard time jump starting myself again. This is nothing unusual. It's always hard for me to re-boot.

I've just downloaded this book, going to the gym to listen to it.

It seems like it's based on getting a lot of "no's" to get to the "yes's". lol. I love this perspective. Brian Tracy has also promoted that mindset.

One other audible book I've liked is Brian Tracy's No Excuses, but really I only listen to Chapter 11, the chapter on self discipline and sales, which is only 16 minutes. That chapter alone has helped me make $6000 in one month after listening to it, just a few months back. :) And, that's just me and my one woman show working from my little home office, "part-time".

I'm going to look into the other one's that FullThrottle recommended.

P.s. I'm kind of a phantom poster in here, and just jump randomly in when I'm in a lull. Otherwise, if I'm not around in here, I'm most certainly working. But, damn the mini vacays kill my biz when I get home. You guys always help get me re-booted...and for that, I send an over-abundance of thanks and praise!
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Follow up from yesterdays post.

It was Go For No that I ordered yesterday from the suggestion of Empty Eternity.

Took it to the gym and listened to it on Audible. I was zoned out the first 12 chapters, then it finally resonated.

Well worth the $6 bucks and change.

Learning to fail isn't so easy, but today, after failing about 70 times (cold calls),I managed to make two solid appointments. Going to keep failing until I hit 200 fails. lol