Postcard Mailing


I'm thinking of mailing out 15k postcards a month .what would be the best price that a lead company can do for this amount?
Post cards are cheap but you better have one heck of a call to action. I used simple plain postcards years ago when I sold some advertising it was widely successful but it was very targetted. I had senior locations and the person would be sponsoring a reading program with ads on the covers so I mailed to audiologists and optimologists and funeral homes and such and always got a bunch of responses but just what will get an insurance prospect to pick up the phone and call?
i used some oversized postcards, but your return is definitely WAY higher with a Business reply piece (just from my past experience). 15k pieces on a BRM piece should get you back 150 leads.... my guess is on most postcards, you'll get 30 calls on that many pieces