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T65 Direct Mailer

What are the prices in this price war for the t-65 mailer?

At the moment I'm only looking at 5,000+ piece mailers, so that knocks out what most folks are looking for. I can meet or beat any invoice you send me on anything above the 5,000 pieces, for anything less Raymond would probably be a good guy to talk to. I believe the going rate for most stuff right now is around $400/1,000 pieces, but postage keeps changing and it's usually worth it to spend a few bucks to make your piece stick out a little bit.
Print and delivery/tracking cost is something that varies on every drop. Also, print isn't as margin-able as the data we send the mail to so the "price war" as you call it wont vary much between vendors on the print side.

The one thing I can say is that if you are getting your data AND printing with BRR (no matter what size order 1,500k-150k pieces.....you get a choice...

1) free data for your mailer
2) or actual cost on print and delivery

Obviously you can't have both....lol

I don't care to get into print pricing publicly since every campaign's cost will vary with mail. However, if you send me an invoice from any company along with the actual lay out of what you plan to send and get back, I will match or beat it, no matter what size of the order, We handle 90% of our own print production internally so we have more control over your job than some print brokers might. We have print brokers that work under us and they don't have as much control over their clients jobs, in fact, its pretty common for my production staff to step in and help out with our print broker's clients so that entire process flows smoothly.

My advice on print would be to work with a local firm first if you can. If you can't find a local firm educated in your space and you need some guidance there are several national marketing firms that can print for you and help you out....we are simply one of these production facilities.

Print is extremely small marginally (less than 8% profit). The trick is to do it right each and every time in a streamlined manor so that the 8% becomes residual. We put a great deal of focus on each and every print job that goes out the door, big or small, which ensures us the best response possible for each client.

For anyone that would like to discuss print with one of my agents you can get in contact with us here...

Health Insurance Mailers - Best Rate Referrals

What are the prices in this price war for the t-65 mailer?