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Inflation excuse comes up more often as a smokescreen. It's not affecting my persistency or placement.

Hey Don,how do you handle these two lead cards ?

I go back to them like nothing happened . They filled the card out . Act like you’ve never seen them and treat them like you’ve never seen them . Find out why they filled the card out and proceed with your presentation
Usually I will. It's situational. But that's the FE market. Someone is going to write that cancel. Might as well be me. I've got a guy now, son of a long time client, wrote him KSKJ twice and he lapsed both times. He wanted coverage again and seeing I have about 6 other family members I wrote him SNL the 3rd time. He's now lapsed that one. He's been calling and texting the last month or so wanting to pick up life insurance again. I've told him no so far. I'm hoping he doesn't get his mom involved. I would hate to say to her. She's referred so many people to me over the years.

Back to your original question, I work all leads the same. No matter how many times I've that lead, how old it is or if it's a current client. My goal on any lead is to find their WHY?

Why did you mail it? Why do you have me here? Why do you want to talk about this?

I'' sell people today that I didn't sell 2 or 3 years ago. Partly because I'm better at my job now but mostly it's just about timing.

Like the story I told above. The timing was that the husband died without insurance. Had I known and gone back a couple years later then maybe she wouldn't have had to buy the mofo direct? The guy that sold her the AIG a year ago was an orca agent that DK'ed her.

Things change. People that as rude as can be one day are nice as can be a year later sometimes. I pulled at a house last week that I'm sure I've been to at least 3 times. I didn't remember until I got there. He's never bought. When he came to the door I just asked him if anything has changed, he said nope. I said, see ya later, please stop mailing these cards in.

Why did you mail it? Why do you have me here? Why do you want to talk about this?

Typically I hear "I thought I was gonna get the information in the mail" or "I didn't know anyone would be coming by" . I tell the tire kickers,non buyers "please don't send in any more cards if you don't want to talk to me"".
Sometimes they become really angry when I tell them".
I also get he ones that say "I didn't send that in".
"That ain't my handwriting".
When I know their lying I tell them I have to report that to the sheriff.
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I thought I was going to get the info in the mail . Answers “ due to privacy laws I got to hand deliver it or “ Mrs Johnson have you seen how the price of postage has gone up ? You know much it’d cost to mail me ?

Its not my handwriting ? So somebody must have stole the card out of your mailbox and filled it out . Is that what you think happened ? They say yes . That’s a federal offense. Let’s file a complaint with the postal inspector .I got a sheet of paper right here . Write your name on it . The postal inspector requires 2 signed documents . Your license has your signature of it . Let me take a pic of it . By that time they back away . I’d they still resist “ let’s sit right there takes 3 mins “ I throw my boss will just keep sending people out here . If they resist I tear lead up in their face and say “ stop sending these cards in and wasting peoples time if you got no interest . These cost $40 “ That pisses them off and they say “ stop damm sending them “
Why did you mail it? Why do you have me here? Why do you want to talk about this?

Typically I hear "I thought I was gonna get the information in the mail" or "I didn't know anyone would be coming by" . I tell the tire kickers,non buyers "please don't send in any more cards if you don't want to talk to me"".
Sometimes they become really angry when I tell them".
I also get he ones that say "I didn't send that in".
"That ain't handwriting".
When I know their lying I tell them I have to report that to the sheriff.

You hear a lot of things. There's no canned answers to respond with. Desk jockeys will say they are. That's why they are desk jockeys. This is a read and react business. If you can't read, you can't react.

Yes, you can send almost anyone out with a stack of leads and canned responses and they will make some sales.

In my 20th year of observations and doing I would say the numbers are something like this, in a batch of 20 leads there's 2-3 sales that anyone is going to make. There's 4-6 that no one is going to sell. Take the high of each and there's 11 leads up for grabs. That's where the rubber hits the road. What are you doing with those 11? If nothing then you are out of this business sooner than later. Paying for 20 leads and other expenses while making only sales the math is not in your favor.

As for the reasons/excuses people give you have to be able to tell if it's a reason or an excuse. I don't talk people into appointments on the phone. If they don't want to meet I move on. If DK'ing I don't talk my way in. I show them the card and that I have been calling. If they don't want to let me in, I move on. I don't get a lot of resistance when DK'ing. But when I do I move on. There's enough people out there that do want to talk.

To be very good at selling FE one has to be constantly learning and plugged into systems that promote learning. You're not going to learn on an internet forum. Can you be helped here and other places? Yes, I certainly have been. But mostly by meeting the right people and then connecting with them. I learned so much about sales from Frank Statsny. Some from his posts here but mostly from our interactions away from here. But I met Frank because of this forum. I met Scott and Travis because of this forum.

As long as I've known Travis he has had a weekly call. Thru 2 IMO's he's had his call. When I was with NAA they had a weekly call. When I was with EFES they had "plug and learn " calls twice a week. The reason I bring that up because over 20 years I've also noticed that the top producers are always on those calls. They just don't miss them. They have not been required at any of those places and most don't make the calls. And most don't make it in the business. It's amazing how the agents writing the most business always find time while the ones not writing business don't have time.

Tim Winders is the best FE producer I've ever known. Tim Winders was on every call. Sharing wisdom and if you ask him he will say, gaining wisdom.
I thought I was going to get the info in the mail . Answers “ due to privacy laws I got to hand deliver it or “ Mrs Johnson have you seen how the price of postage has gone up ? You know much it’d cost to mail me ?

Its not my handwriting ? So somebody must have stole the card out of your mailbox and filled it out . Is that what you think happened ? They say yes . That’s a federal offense. Let’s file a complaint with the postal inspector .I got a sheet of paper right here . Write your name on it . The postal inspector requires 2 signed documents . Your license has your signature of it . Let me take a pic of it . By that time they back away . I’d they still resist “ let’s sit right there takes 3 mins “ I throw my boss will just keep sending people out here . If they resist I tear lead up in their face and say “ stop sending these cards in and wasting peoples time if you got no interest . These cost $40 “ That pisses them off and they say “ stop damm sending them “

After I leave I'm always amused on how defensive,angry some folks can get when we show up with information they requested.

Why would someone put their address on a card and request "more information" and become angry because the delivery person was trying to get that information to them directly ?

When they ask "why didn't you call first" I tell them I'm the guy that takes all the cards that the girl at the office hasn't been able to reach after several attempts. I'm just doing my job.....that settles them down.

Bottom line,waste of time,not selling anything to these people,just putting them on notice.
You hear a lot of things. There's no canned answers to respond with. Desk jockeys will say they are. That's why they are desk jockeys. This is a read and react business. If you can't read, you can't react.

Yes, you can send almost anyone out with a stack of leads and canned responses and they will make some sales.

In my 20th year of observations and doing I would say the numbers are something like this, in a batch of 20 leads there's 2-3 sales that anyone is going to make. There's 4-6 that no one is going to sell. Take the high of each and there's 11 leads up for grabs. That's where the rubber hits the road. What are you doing with those 11? If nothing then you are out of this business sooner than later. Paying for 20 leads and other expenses while making only sales the math is not in your favor.

As for the reasons/excuses people give you have to be able to tell if it's a reason or an excuse. I don't talk people into appointments on the phone. If they don't want to meet I move on. If DK'ing I don't talk my way in. I show them the card and that I have been calling. If they don't want to let me in, I move on. I don't get a lot of resistance when DK'ing. But when I do I move on. There's enough people out there that do want to talk.

To be very good at selling FE one has to be constantly learning and plugged into systems that promote learning. You're not going to learn on an internet forum. Can you be helped here and other places? Yes, I certainly have been. But mostly by meeting the right people and then connecting with them. I learned so much about sales from Frank Statsny. Some from his posts here but mostly from our interactions away from here. But I met Frank because of this forum. I met Scott and Travis because of this forum.

As long as I've known Travis he has had a weekly call. Thru 2 IMO's he's had his call. When I was with NAA they had a weekly call. When I was with EFES they had "plug and learn " calls twice a week. The reason I bring that up because over 20 years I've also noticed that the top producers are always on those calls. They just don't miss them. They have not been required at any of those places and most don't make the calls. And most don't make it in the business. It's amazing how the agents writing the most business always find time while the ones not writing business don't have time.

Tim Winders is the best FE producer I've ever known. Tim Winders was on every call. Sharing wisdom and if you ask him he will say, gaining wisdom.

Most people in all businesses are completely burned out after a certain length of time.

They’re too lazy to learn something new,are only biding their time until they can retire.
Most people in all businesses are completely burned out after a certain length of time.

They’re too lazy to learn something new,are only biding their time until they can retire.

Maybe? But I'm talking about agents new to the business too. FEX has some fairly new agents just out there killing it. They are on groupme constantly. They are on the calls. They record their presentations and have them reviewed. Then FEX has some more fairly new agents that you barely know their names. They get on the calls occasionally. They pop up on groupme occasionally. They ask questions then argue the answers. Next thing you know they will ask for a release and head to another IMO. People at the new IMO will call asking, 'how about that agent? What's their deal?" Then you will hear they left that IMO for yet another one. Rinse and repeat.

Next time you see them is on a milk carton.
More made up stories from you. There's an archive here. Maybe you should use it?

I will and have apologized when I was sorry. I have admitted when I'm wrong. Probably not to you because I can't remember ever being wrong on anything pertaining to you. And you have certainly never proved that I was wrong about anything. But again, there's an archive. Prove you allegations.

Do I let you wallow in your nonsense and not respond to your drivel? Yes. I do live rent free in your head.

I will not apologize for something I'm not sorry about. Now go back and whine some more about my not liking your posts. One of the most childish things I've ever seen posted here.

You search through the archives, I don't have time for that nonsense. You've been wrong several times when it comes to something pertaining to me, but I'm not worried about trying to prove it. You know what you do and what you don't do. Others on here know it too. You're not fooling everyone on here, maybe some, but not everyone.

As far as not liking posts, my point is that you think you are about the only one on here with something valuable to say. Just acknowledging something that someone has said that is valuable doesn't take much time, but you don't even do that. Why? Because you think no one else but you, Travis, and Tim Winders are the only ones with something valuable. It's just who you are. Most of us know it and most of us see it. You're like a window when it comes to that. It's a bit dirty and in need of cleaning, but we can still see through it. The fact that you think I was childish, just looking for kudos shows that you had/have no idea what I meant by that to begin with. You don't understand because it's not something that someone of your nature can understand. It's okay, you do you.

You always claim that you are living in other peoples heads, but that's really only a fantasy of yours. But we understand...you just want the attention. Well, here you go buddy, have some attention. Feel better now?
You search through the archives, I don't have time for that nonsense. You've been wrong several times when it comes to something pertaining to me, but I'm not worried about trying to prove it. You know what you do and what you don't do. Others on here know it too. You're not fooling everyone on here, maybe some, but not everyone.

As far as not liking posts, my point is that you think you are about the only one on here with something valuable to say. Just acknowledging something that someone has said that is valuable doesn't take much time, but you don't even do that. Why? Because you think no one else but you, Travis, and Tim Winders are the only ones with something valuable. It's just who you are. Most of us know it and most of us see it. You're like a window when it comes to that. It's a bit dirty and in need of cleaning, but we can still see through it. The fact that you think I was childish, just looking for kudos shows that you had/have no idea what I meant by that to begin with. You don't understand because it's not something that someone of your nature can understand. It's okay, you do you.

You always claim that you are living in other peoples heads, but that's really only a fantasy of yours. But we understand...you just want the attention. Well, here you go buddy, have some attention. Feel better now?

I knew you would make up more stories. You just can't help it. Now you pretend to speak for me when you can't even speak for yourself.

And your point on likes is just childish nonsense coming from your own insecurities.

And who is the "we" you speak for now? Yall have meetings and shit?

I fully understand you. Just because you are a phony doesn't mean I don't understand. People like you are a dime a dozen. Now make up some more lies and I'll get back to you after you do. maybe I'll even give you a like to feed your insecurity?
I knew you would make up more stories. You just can't help it. Now you pretend to speak for me when you can't even speak for yourself.

And your point on likes is just childish nonsense coming from your own insecurities.

And who is the "we" you speak for now? Yall have meetings and shit?

I fully understand you. Just because you are a phony doesn't mean I don't understand. People like you are a dime a dozen. Now make up some more lies and I'll get back to you after you do. maybe I'll even give you a like to feed your insecurity?

Here's a great example of something else you do. You like to try and turn things around on the other person 180 degrees. You don't even come up with anything original on your own. You just mirrored what I said about you.

As for "We", yeah, sometimes there are meetings and shit. Every blue moon some of the shit we talk about is you and how you are. Sometimes it's the very people you work with or around. You are less liked on here than you think you are.

You want to keep coming back with things like I'm phony, but I can assure you I am no more phony than you. I was doing insurance before you even thought about insurance. You like to sit back with your cronies and brag about yourselves. "How many company trips have you been on"? That's one of the things you like to come back with like that is really some sort of measuring stick. It's not. I've been on many of them. To the point that I'm sick of going on them. And yes, probably half of them have been on my own pen. It's still not a measuring stick. Maybe for you, but not for me. You actually sound like a new agent when you bring that up. Quite silly if you ask me.

You've called a lot of people phonies in your time here. I wonder why you feel the need to say that about others so much? Once you figure that out, then you might figure out how much of a phoney you are as well. No, I'm not calling you that because you don't sell a lot...hell, we know you do that, but it's not the point of your "phoneism". Don't bother to ask as it just falls on deaf ears anyway.

As for lying and making up lies...nah, I have no reason to do that. What I say is most likely true about you. You're more of an open book than you realize. I read people very well and you're just an FE knowledgeable asshole who thinks his shit doesn't stink.