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What Demographics Do You Use with Your Mail Cards?

Frank is referring to the Baby Boomers who will be eligible for Medicare... You've heard of the Boomer generation haven't you? It was in all the papers.:unsure:

Yes, that, but, he is primarily talking about the elimination of PFFS plans and the resulting GI for the ones that go away. The ones left are going to raise premiums to the point that a med sup is a better fit.

A person that works the senior market should get prepared for these opportunities.
Done properly that will get you results. Med Supp appointments are the easiest to set. Every FE and LTC sale I have made originally came from a Med Supp appointment.

There is a huge explosion coming in Med Supp sales. Every agent who is selling FE needs to take a hard look at adding Med Supps.

*Easy to get an appointment for. Every senior knows Medicare by itself isn't enough.
*A no "service work" sale like FE.
*Easy to sell.
*No need to purchase leads.
*First year commission for six years.

Frank, what is your technique to transition from talking about Med Supps to FE?
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When I send out a 1000 pc. mailer, I usually get back about 4-10 pcs. (Real JUNKY ones at that!). (Lately, I wonder if the full 1000 were mailed out???..........).
They have gotten cold, if they ever were hot, and are NO GOOD!
Responders thought I was going to bring them two $100's, a $50, and a $5 dollar bill, or give them another benefit! I don't have any time or money to waste on that type of BS.
It is state law that you have to put Life insurance on mail pcs. down here.
Bottom line is: The mail cards don't work for me. The $$$$$ signs that twinkled in my eyes are extremely dim right now, and I have ordered my last mailer for $400, hoping for the EZ dream of making big money.
I'm going the old fashioned way, now, and be a real salesman!:biggrin:
Yes, that, but, he is primarily talking about the elimination of PFFS plans and the resulting GI for the ones that go away. The ones left are going to raise premiums to the point that a med sup is a better fit.

The elimination of PFFS plans is a drop in the bucket compared to the demographic changes that will have Medicare enrollees double from forty to eighty million over the next twenty years...
Frank is referring to the Baby Boomers who will be eligible for Medicare... You've heard of the Boomer generation haven't you? It was in all the papers.:unsure:
That's not quite correct. Yes, those in PFFS will be prospects because the plans are going bye bye. However, the capitation paid by CMS to all MA plans will be dropping by something like $100 per month.

Obviously, all MA plans will need to raise their premiums and reduce their benefits.

This will make Med Supps much more attractive to MA policyholders who now will be paying much more for much less.

We have what looks to be a hugh opportunity to help many people who we could not reach in the past couple of years.

That's not quite correct. Yes, those in PFFS will be prospects because the plans are going bye bye. However, the capitation paid by CMS to all MA plans will be dropping by something like $100 per month.

Obviously, all MA plans will need to raise their premiums and reduce their benefits.

This will make Med Supps much more attractive to MA policyholders who now will be paying much more for much less.

We have what looks to be a hugh opportunity to help many people who we could not reach in the past couple of years.


See above post by M&M.
Frank, what is your technique to transition from talking about Med Supps to FE?

I'm tarpon fishing right now. Well, not right now, I'm typing here.

Can you give me a call on Thursday?
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Frank, what is your technique to transition from talking about Med Supps to FE?

The internet connection is terrible where I am. I will be back on Thursday. Give me a call then.
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I used to do FE exclusively using direct mail. You need to go poor for FE. I'm talking under $24,999. Trailer parks are good. Women only 62-75. Women generaly care more about legacy and do not want to be a burden. These people can not afford to pre pay for their funerals so a small monthly payment is an attractive alternative.

I would call in the field when ever I was in their zip code and tell them that I put their FREE information packages together and that I had one more delivery to make in their area and I would drop it off to them in about 15 or 20 mins. 95% of the people would let me in (some people were nasty and just wanted the package) and then I would throw anything and everything they would use the policy for not just funerals. I'm talking about probate, loss of income (if married), gifting grand kids, gifting church, gifting kids, freeing up money they set aside for their kids or funeral... there is always an extra need for $10,000

You have to call the list too not just the responders. The extra ten appt you squeeze out will make all the difference.

You also have to make the commitment to "see every lead." I mean every single one. If they don't answer the phone you have to knock on the door. I would call them the day before and leave a message on their machine telling them I was going to deliver the information to them tommorrow between ______ am and _______pm and then I would leave my number. You will be surprised how many people would actually be waiting for you to show.

At the end of the day, when it comes to FE you have to be emotional and they really have to like you. If you build a purely logical case as to why they need it they're going to tell you they don't have any money.

I think this is GREAT ADVICE!!! If I was new to the busy and had very little money this is exactly what I would do...

I would mail a FE lead piece to 500 or 1000 names in a very specific demographic. 62-75 $10-$50,000 annual income, and purchase the list with the phone numbers along with the mailing. I would start calling the day those leads hit the mailbox. I would call from 9am till 8pm until I got through the whole list....

Maybe you get a 1% return on your 1000 piece mailer, plus I would be willing to bet you could get another 10-20 appointments with the premise of "getting the information to you...” I would not do ANY qualifying on the phone while trying to set the appointment!" No need to qualify you should be able to offer a product to anyone regardless of health. (If your state has GI.)

Why this method will not work for many agents is because many agents are LAZY!!! And dialing the phone is a lot of work...

I agree with Focus LTC with regard to income and FE, although this will probably tend to vary depending on state and region of the country. Under 30k or 25k is probably more like it.
I came across 4RM leadscompany in Texas that provides direct mailers for FE, Medicare Supplement, Turning 65, Annuity, reverse mortgage leads. ANyone had experience with them? Can you please share your experience with me?