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What Was Your First Appointment Like?

...So Moonlight, how do I transfer his obvious need into a WANT for him? I've brought the baby into the conversation... mentioned the relief his wife would have by having a home that paid for should something happen to him, ect... Is this a case of needing to push more? Is he just too selfish at this time to consider IYO?

Put yourself in his shoes. He knows he is losing his job. He is consumed with concern about the certainies of life not the "what ifs". To call him selfish is a low blow. And, if you intend to make a living in sales, you need to learn that you can't "push" people into doing what you think they should do.
Put yourself in his shoes. He knows he is losing his job. He is consumed with concern about the certainies of life not the "what ifs". To call him selfish is a low blow. And, if you intend to make a living in sales, you need to learn that you can't "push" people into doing what you think they should do.

Companies teach "needs analysis" all the time. They never teach "wants analysis".

Why is that? I say it's because they are clueless about sales and that's why they are in the home office.
Put yourself in his shoes. He knows he is losing his job. He is consumed with concern about the certainies of life not the "what ifs". To call him selfish is a low blow. And, if you intend to make a living in sales, you need to learn that you can't "push" people into doing what you think they should do.

Thanks Rousemark... and trust me, I've put myself in his shoes. Those $200 pairs of Nike's that he's told me he's stood in line to get. Or the latest xBox game that's coming out that he's had to have.

You're right on many levels but like I said, I know this guy and when we're talking about $20/month... of which I know he can afford, I reserve the right to call him out.

Now, on the other hand, I can understand moonlights point that right now may not be the best time because he has other concerns but when he blows me off, someone who's considered a friend, someone that's been to his baby shower, ect... with the excuse of I can't afford it or that's a lot of money, or I need to think about it... that's just got me questioning him right now. The way I spinned the sale he was selling himself on it.
Thanks Rousemark... and trust me, I've put myself in his shoes. Those $200 pairs of Nike's that he's told me he's stood in line to get. Or the latest xBox game that's coming out that he's had to have.

You're right on many levels but like I said, I know this guy and when we're talking about $20/month... of which I know he can afford, I reserve the right to call him out.

Now, on the other hand, I can understand moonlights point that right now may not be the best time because he has other concerns but when he blows me off, someone who's considered a friend, someone that's been to his baby shower, ect... with the excuse of I can't afford it or that's a lot of money, or I need to think about it... that's just got me questioning him right now. The way I spinned the sale he was selling himself on it.

No offense but in the time you've typed all these post about him, you could have wrote 5 others. Just know you tried. Rest is on him. He has your number.
Thanks Rousemark... and trust me, I've put myself in his shoes. Those $200 pairs of Nike's that he's told me he's stood in line to get. Or the latest xBox game that's coming out that he's had to have.

You're right on many levels but like I said, I know this guy and when we're talking about $20/month... of which I know he can afford, I reserve the right to call him out.

Now, on the other hand, I can understand moonlights point that right now may not be the best time because he has other concerns but when he blows me off, someone who's considered a friend, someone that's been to his baby shower, ect... with the excuse of I can't afford it or that's a lot of money, or I need to think about it... that's just got me questioning him right now. The way I spinned the sale he was selling himself on it.

This dude doesn't want it. Nothing you say will change that. If he comes around to wanting it then he will call you. Move on until that happens.
Thanks Rousemark... and trust me, I've put myself in his shoes. Those $200 pairs of Nike's that he's told me he's stood in line to get. Or the latest xBox game that's coming out that he's had to have.

You're right on many levels but like I said, I know this guy and when we're talking about $20/month... of which I know he can afford, I reserve the right to call him out.

Now, on the other hand, I can understand moonlights point that right now may not be the best time because he has other concerns but when he blows me off, someone who's considered a friend, someone that's been to his baby shower, ect... with the excuse of I can't afford it or that's a lot of money, or I need to think about it... that's just got me questioning him right now. The way I spinned the sale he was selling himself on it.

You have no "right" to call anybody out.. other than yourself.
Well, not technically my first appointment but it is my first time out after taking a 3 year hiatus. Basically I witnessed the hit and run of a 47 year old lady a couple of weeks ago. She did not live and the event prompted me to stop being so lazy after working my 9-5 as there are too many people out there that need our help.

Don't do this to help people (unless it's your family). Do this to make $$$!

Enter Frank, a natural market prospect (co-worker) whom I've known for 4 years now. Frank has a 6 month old son, a new wife of a year, and still owes about 100K on his home. The icing on the cake (well not really) is that two weeks ago Frank found out that his department will be severed on July 31, 2015.

This is not the icing on the cake, not at all. "Loss of job, etc." is a very difficult objection to overcome.

OK... so this guy has to have a need... right? He's got a few if you ask me. Term insurance through the job will be ending, no mortgage protection in place… I figure yes, I’ve hit the jack pot my first day out. So, I decided to strike while the iron was hot. I met with Frank and his wife last Thursday night. I arrived at the home at 7:30 (agreed upon time to meet). After 30 minutes of small talk with Frank his wife finally joined us once the kid’s bath was complete. I greeted her, kissed the baby and continued my warm up, now with the two of them together.

Long story short, this appointment wore me out. Franks is not a guy I wanted to push the sale on even though he probably needed me to do that. The wife is the planner of the family as she’s already had the foresight to place a 15K IUL on Frank, a 25K IUL on the 6 month old, and she swears that she has a 15K IUL on herself even though she couldn’t locate it after I made her get up to grab the policies for my “No Charge Policy Review”. I stumbled through a mixed presentation (mixed because I combined methods of two former places I’ve worked).

You should have your presentation worded such that the wife would want your product. ie: house paid for if husband passes, college education for child if daddy passes, continue a comfortable standard of living if husband/daddy passes, etc.

I did a half @$$ job of closing. I did not write and felt disappointed after leaving because I know there’s a need in the house but I didn’t push. I think it had more to do with me being drained by 9pm as I had been up since 5am, worked an 8 hour shift at my normal job and didn’t meet with them until 7:30pm. I left, what I thought would be my way back in the house by giving them a homework assignment. 1 - Find out if she has a policy on herself and 2 - Find out the face amounts of current policies as they weren’t sure. I told them I’d be back next week to follow up with their questions.

Sometimes you have to gently "pull", not "push" the prospect to make the close snap shut. If you "push" them into the sale, they'll be more likely to cancel later because they felt pressured into buying. If you "pull" them into the close, they'll feel like it's their decision to buy. People don't want to be sold, people want to buy. If you can't "pull" a prospect into the close, all you'll be writing are lay downs, and lay downs are far and few between. That's just one of many reasons agents don't last one year in this game.

Well, I called Frank yesterday to get back into the house tonight and was shut down. I got the standard… “I’ll reach back out to you once I check with the wife to confirm a time.” I should have wrote them that first night because I may not get back in there to help them out and its killing me knowing that I didn’t push the sale. That appointment went nowhere near the route I thought it would go. Frank is a smart guy who loves to do the right thing by his family BUT, with objections like “I’m losing my job and don’t want to create any new monthly expenses… Yes that sounds good but I want to think about it… ect” make me think differently about this guy. Now I'm trying to walk the line of friend / pushy salesman and trying not to tick Frank off so that I'm barred from the house indefinitely...

Remember, you can't help everybody. This guy is probably just a "no"....until his wife wants it. Next!
No offense but in the time you've typed all these post about him, you could have wrote 5 others. Just know you tried. Rest is on him. He has your number.

Just really my way of venting as I've been out of the game for a while and jumping back in. Familiar battlefield techniques are beginning to show themselves again and I just have to push past my own feelings.

This dude doesn't want it. Nothing you say will change that. If he comes around to wanting it then he will call you. Move on until that happens.

Very true. Just another game time scenario that I'll have to remember while out running. Only spent this much time thinking about it because I know his family. I'm over it.

You have no "right" to call anybody out.. other than yourself.

Point taken!

Remember, you can't help everybody. This guy is probably just a "no"....until his wife wants it. Next!

Very true, and thanks for reminding me.
Companies teach "needs analysis" all the time. They never teach "wants analysis".

Why is that? I say it's because they are clueless about sales and that's why they are in the home office.




Based on the very limited information we have. I can not see how a $15k IUL is serving them. Why did they buy that plan? What was that want?