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Did you just lose your favorite fraternal?

Didn't find the state map for PF but did read the KSKJ letter to National Underwriting Services. It appears the contract was due to poor persistency. How could this be? I thought if you were the cheapest on the block you could not be replaced and if you could not be replaced then your persistency shoild be above average.

It had nothing to do with persistency. Regardless of what it said.

That’s the excuse.

FEX was right at 90% persistency as an agency.

And if a company has persistency problems with an agent or agents then deal with those agents.

Just cowardly what they did and how they did it.
Didn't find the state map for PF but did read the KSKJ letter to National Underwriting Services. It appears the contract was due to poor persistency. How could this be? I thought if you were the cheapest on the block you could not be replaced and if you could not be replaced then your persistency shoild be above average.

We all work the same leads and same type clients in fe . 95% of agents will agree how important true ss billing is .For me it’s big . How big is it ? Example . The best of the best ss billing CO’s was ( I don’t write anymore ) was Trans . How do I know ? I wrote well over 200 direct express apps with Trans over the yrs . Many de clients run to the atm at 1 am to get there money . I rarely had nsf’s with de cards with Trans . It means they were pulling the premium shortly after midnight . Other CO’s Using ss billing I’ve had more nsf’s .Means they might not have pulled till later . As far as Kskj . There’s no magic. Everyone has $1. How could kskj miraculously be 20-30% cheaper than the avg carrier plus have some of the most aggressive underwriting? They got hit hard with death claims I got no doubt . My friend had tons of claims . Even Trans got slapped with avg rates and aggressive underwriting. Here we go with Rna now . Super aggressive underwriting and high rates and there changing underwriting. The handwriting was on the wall with kskj . You don’t change your underwriting unless somethings wrong . They had a profitability issue .
We all work the same leads and same type clients in fe . 95% of agents will agree how important true ss billing is .For me it’s big . How big is it ? Example . The best of the best ss billing CO’s was ( I don’t write anymore ) was Trans . How do I know ? I wrote well over 200 direct express apps with Trans over the yrs . Many de clients run to the atm at 1 am to get there money . I rarely had nsf’s with de cards with Trans . It means they were pulling the premium shortly after midnight . Other CO’s Using ss billing I’ve had more nsf’s .Means they might not have pulled till later . As far as Kskj . There’s no magic. Everyone has $1. How could kskj miraculously be 20-30% cheaper than the avg carrier plus have some of the most aggressive underwriting? They got hit hard with death claims I got no doubt . My friend had tons of claims . Even Trams got slapped with avg rates and agreesive underwriting. Here we go with Rna now . Super aggressive underwriting and high rates and there changing underwriting. Tje handwriting was on the wall with kskj . You don’t change your underwriting unless somethings wrong .

KSKJ didn’t change underwriting.
KSKJ didn’t change underwriting.

No but weren’t they going to the 16 tier system or something ? Maybe they never rolled out as they knew the termination was coming down the road . Also are they terming other agents not affiliated with fex ? My friends not been termed.
I didn't read the letter but @JRoot mentioned it in his YouTube this morning. It was a good 2023 v 2024 video BTW.
This si the first page. Thye specifically say that the problem in persistency with National Underwriting Services business and therefore they are terminating the contracts.

Listen to Adam Brsan's intro for PF.. Sounds almost word for word what people were saying abut KSKJ.. Especially concerning replacement.

Listen to Adam Brsan's intro for PF.. Sounds almost word for word what people were saying abut KSKJ.. Especially concerning replacement.

When were people saying that about KSKJ?

And if they were, were they wrong?

I started writing KSKJ in June 2015. I was the first FEX agent to write KSKJ. No one told me all of that stuff then.
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The handwriting was on the wall with kskj . You don’t change your underwriting unless somethings wrong . They had a profitability issue .

No but weren’t they going to the 16 tier system or something ? Maybe they never rolled out as they knew the termination was coming down the road .

Thye specifically say that the problem in persistency with National Underwriting Services business and therefore they are terminating the contracts.

Not the first and most likely not the last company to do this. Life goes on.

It will be interesting to see how they decide to fund their future. Are they going to kill off that block of business?