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How to Prevent “I Want to Think About It” Objection

"Just looking" is often a knee jerk reaction to anyone seen as a salesman. It is just noise.

What you should run from is, "I'm here to buy, who wants to sell me?" That person is often just looking to jerk your chain.

"Of course my credit score is 250 and I have zero down payment but you are missing the boat if you don't bow and kiss the ground I am standing on.."
"Of course my credit score is 250 and I have zero down payment but you are missing the boat if you don't bow and kiss the ground I am standing on.."

I was that way with my last auto purchase. I was willing to buy without being "sold". The dealer is the one that had to be sold. I had a limit to spend and I wasn't budging
"I want to think about it objections" can easily be eliminated by agreement.

After we set the appointment we ask, "If I can meet your conditions of satisfaction for the insurance you want, at a price you can afford, what will you do?"

If the prospect says "I will buy it," we ask "Does that mean you will sign an application for the insurance, and write a deposit check on Wednesday, if you are satisfied?"

Most prospects say "Yes." If not, we postpone the appointment for another time when the prospect is more likely to do business.

The key to this strategy is to be able to find an abundance of high probability prospects.

Well, that's a way to get straigt to the point and prevents you from waisting your time on appointments with people who will want to "think about it".

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