I don't believe true face to face activity will fully come back till we have a vaccine

No i wasn't saying your being selfish . I was saying thats how people are spinning it. That people going to see old people are being selfish and endangering them . Thats not how i feel.

I have a couple of clients who I helped move out of the market and into annuities before the corona crash. They texted me this morning to say Happy Easter and said if I were in their neighborhood to stop by anytime soon as they would love the company. Now, I get that they know me now and trust me. But these folks are in theri 70's with multiple co-morbidities that put them in the high risk group, and they know it. People needs people, and a phone call or a Zoom meeting will not take the place of face to face, smile to smile.
I have a couple of clients who I helped move out of the market and into annuities before the corona crash. They texted me this morning to say Happy Easter and said if I were in their neighborhood to stop by anytime soon as they would love the company. Now, I get that they know me now and trust me. But these folks are in theri 70's with multiple co-morbidities that put them in the high risk group, and they know it. People needs people, and a phone call or a Zoom meeting will not take the place of face to face, smile to smile.

That is why I believe that while we wait we need to gear up. Once it is deemed safe for prospects to be approached, the physical presents will be much more appreciated than ever.

I would call your book right now and let them know you are there for them. You might get more sales, yes, but the solidification of biz on the books will be out of this world.
Depending on the source, it takes 21 days to a couple of months to form a new habit. It takes approximately the same amount of time to brainwash someone. Everyday, for the past 40 days, we are being conditioned to practice social distancing, or else COVID-19, aka the Boogie Monster will get us. More and more states around the country are ordering people to stay at home, which could last another 30-days. By the time it's over, people will have already been conditioned/brainwashed to keep their distance. Currently, the only people willing to allow a stranger to get within 6-12 feet to sell them something without fear of contracting this virus are drug addicts who need their fix. Things will not return to normal as quickly as most of us door-to-door salespeople think. Any sales person who is still knocking on doors unannounced, in any line of work, is only thinking of their own selfish needs. Regardless of how bad you think the client can benefit or needs your product/service, it "demonstrates" that you really don't care about them at all. I would be willing to bet that 99.9% of us have not yet been tested. Remember, even you will not allow a stranger within 6-12 feet of you or your family, especially if they arrived uninvited or unannounced. Whether we like it or not, if we want to maintain the lifestyle to which we have all grown accustomed, we have no other choice than to get out of our comfort zones and change the way we get our product into the hands of our customers. Just my common/business sense opinion. Or am I way off base?
Goillini i agree. Many clients have copd and heart issues which is much higher risk.Life Hawk this is being spun as screw you getting the virus your endangering other people . Your being selfish endangering other people.Social distancing will be engrained in peoples minds for a while. Hell i won't even get within 6 feet of my son.
I've got both of those and I'm old, so I'd be more afraid of them than they are of me. :yes:
Just my common/business sense opinion. Or am I way off base?

But human interactions is natural and essential to human life to be fulfilling and human. Any habit contrary to this nature will fail with the first cheat day. And for all the talk, there is widespread lack of compliance or weak compliance. I have friends still selling by going cold door to door in their states and yes, they are often presenting with the husband and wife on the couch while the presenter is across the room, but folks are still allowing the presentation and sale to proceed where it hasn't been made illegal.

We will be fine.

If we don't die.
Its a different animal where being aggressive doesn't work. A lot of people not good on the phone thats why they didn't do it.


I have never been a 'tell them where to sit' agent. Just not my style. I believe my more consultive style is why my clients call and refer me.

Not that aggressive phone sales does not work. Many ways to do what we do.
But human interactions is natural and essential to human life to be fulfilling and human.

I agree on being social. However, hanging out with buddies for a beer or at the range is social. Having a stranger knock on our door is not.

I am that older group. I have a lot of buddies in that group.

I have never been a 'tell them where to sit' agent. Just not my style. I believe my more consultive style is why my clients call and refer me.

Not that aggressive phone sales does not work. Many ways to do what we do.
Your clients do business with you because they like and trust you, for whatever reason. My clients do business with me because they like and trust me, for whatever reason. If you have that connection with them and I don't, there is nothing I can do to take them away from you. Likewise, you cannot take any of my clients from me, with whom I have that personal connection with. We all have different personalities and selling styles that fit those customers who like to be sold the way well sell. There is never a shortage of clients that fit your selling style. The only difference between a top producer and an average producer is one is willing to hear the word "no", significantly more often than the other.