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Lead Connections Fixed Cost Leads

Question on lead connection:
Is this company simply just a lead company? You tell them where ya want some leads and they generate some for you?

Or are they in the insurance business? Meaning they take an override on your business and you have to submit with their specific carriers?
Question on lead connection:
Is this company simply just a lead company? You tell them where ya want some leads and they generate some for you?

Or are they in the insurance business? Meaning they take an override on your business and you have to submit with their specific carriers?

Lead connection is just the lead vendor. They do not sell insurance or contact companies.

Some FMOs (like us FexContracting.com) have programs where you can get credits toward your Lead Connection leads based on the amount of insurance you sell.

That is probably where the confusion comes from.
Re: Lead Connections Fixed Cost Leads/other leads?

I have tried the FE mailers offered through a carrier with predictable results, @1% or 10/1000. Here is the rundown:

1- dead already. I guess it took me too long to go and see.
1- Nursing home
1-chronic illness (GI only)
1-Chronic talker -couldn't get a word in. I cant remember if we ever got around to talking about insurance.
1-chronic traveler-never home
1-no phone, no pets, and no cigarettes
1-no trespassing, no unannounced visitors, and no phone calls
1-no money
1-plenty of money but no bank account
*1-closed after having to agree to join his MLM organization (figured I could get free leads that way ha ha)

I have read on here from different people through the past few months about good and bad results and costs, etc. I hear good things about Lead connection, MSPM, L2S(some good, some bad), and RGI.

Does anyone have any advice on a cost effective mailer, that is not what "everyone else is doing"? These things are all looking the same. I get about 2 per month myself, which is why I dont mail in my own area.

Are any Insurance companies out there who are aggressive enough and interested enough in writing good business who actually TRY to provide a source of leads? I know about all the IMOs who claim they will, but I am not that hard up to give up 30% and all my renewals.
Re: Lead Connections Fixed Cost Leads/other leads?

Does anyone have any advice on a cost effective mailer, that is not what "everyone else is doing"? These things are all looking the same. I get about 2 per month myself, which is why I dont mail in my own area.

HMMM a cost effective mailer that get's you into homes to sell a product that they want to talk about and own.....forget about the low income...they always lapse the policy and I hate the chargebacks.....HMMMM what can I do??? I want plenty of Life Sales opportunities too.......

Oh yeah, Street commissions too.

I know, Read my signature...LOL.

Contact me I can help you.
Re: Lead Connections Fixed Cost Leads/other leads?

Bet there's 1 or 2 more sales in there you missed out on.

Chronic Illness? Gerber Life sale there.
Chronic Talker? More sales experience with controlling the conversation could have resulted in a sales opportunity.
Chronic Traveler? Go back and see them later.
No Phone, and No Trespassing? Go see them anyway in person. THEY sent the card in because THEY wanted the information. If you roll up and there's dogs in the fence, lay on the horn a few times to get them out of the house.
Plenty of Money? Close them on a quarterly premium.

Additionally, you can't make judgement calls without doing a large volume of mailers.

Come back -- after making the adjustments I recommended -- after getting back 50 leads and tell us your results.

I have tried the FE mailers offered through a carrier with predictable results, @1% or 10/1000. Here is the rundown:

1- dead already. I guess it took me too long to go and see.
1- Nursing home
1-chronic illness (GI only)
1-Chronic talker -couldn't get a word in. I cant remember if we ever got around to talking about insurance.
1-chronic traveler-never home
1-no phone, no pets, and no cigarettes
1-no trespassing, no unannounced visitors, and no phone calls
1-no money
1-plenty of money but no bank account
*1-closed after having to agree to join his MLM organization (figured I could get free leads that way ha ha)

I have read on here from different people through the past few months about good and bad results and costs, etc. I hear good things about Lead connection, MSPM, L2S(some good, some bad), and RGI.

Does anyone have any advice on a cost effective mailer, that is not what "everyone else is doing"? These things are all looking the same. I get about 2 per month myself, which is why I dont mail in my own area.

Are any Insurance companies out there who are aggressive enough and interested enough in writing good business who actually TRY to provide a source of leads? I know about all the IMOs who claim they will, but I am not that hard up to give up 30% and all my renewals.
Re: Lead Connections Fixed Cost Leads/other leads?

I have tried the FE mailers offered through a carrier with predictable results, @1% or 10/1000. Here is the rundown:

1- dead already. I guess it took me too long to go and see.
1- Nursing home
1-chronic illness (GI only)
1-Chronic talker -couldn't get a word in. I cant remember if we ever got around to talking about insurance.
1-chronic traveler-never home
1-no phone, no pets, and no cigarettes
1-no trespassing, no unannounced visitors, and no phone calls
1-no money
1-plenty of money but no bank account
*1-closed after having to agree to join his MLM organization (figured I could get free leads that way ha ha)

I have read on here from different people through the past few months about good and bad results and costs, etc. I hear good things about Lead connection, MSPM, L2S(some good, some bad), and RGI.

Does anyone have any advice on a cost effective mailer, that is not what "everyone else is doing"? These things are all looking the same. I get about 2 per month myself, which is why I dont mail in my own area.

Are any Insurance companies out there who are aggressive enough and interested enough in writing good business who actually TRY to provide a source of leads? I know about all the IMOs who claim they will, but I am not that hard up to give up 30% and all my renewals.

To piggy back Rearden there are sales in there.

dead already...Surviving family members are primed and ready to close
Nursing home...Vantis
Chronic Illness...have sold 5 Vantis policies in past two weeks on these
Chronic talkers...3 sales in past two weeks with them
Chronic traveler..,.wait til they get home
No trespassing......Walk by anyway. 2 sales in past two weeks on those
no phone....never run across that one
no money....made two sales on those. 1 set up DE card and 2. Gave a plan that fit budget
no bank account......sold two Settlers policies this week and writing kids later

The money is out their. Just pick it up
How about these scenarios....

These are things people really said to me when I called to set appointments. I am using the exact script JDeasy uses because I want to duplicate his success if at all possible.

Two people said they didn't want to set an appointment because they didn't have money and changed their mind and didn't have money. I asked why they sent the card in and signed it, the three reason why people usually do (don't have any, don't have enough or want a lower price, or want to leave something to a loved one or church) and both said they didn't care and they understood their wives would need to take a collection at their funeral. Both told me that didn't bother them and one said the only way he'd set up final expenses is if he hit the lottery.

One was laying on a couch communicating back and forth between her husband and myself and said I'd have to call back another time when she felt better.

One said he had "too many doctors appointments" and had no time whatsoever to meet with me this week at all.

One refused to meet with me during a time his wife would be home and wouldn't explain why.

One more said he had plenty of coverage and I never even mentioned insurance. Once he said that I said great how much did you get and who do you have it though? Maybe I could help you reduce your costs if possible. He said he had no idea to either question.

JD says he rarely gets these kind of things popping up and is able to set appointments with the majority of leads he calls. I am using his script, a nice tone, talking slow, and being more conversational than professional.

Based on those scenarios above is anyone picking up anything I may be missing? Phone calls like that are exactly why I haven't made many sales from appointments. Almost all of my sales come from door knocks because I rarely get anything like that when I knock a door. The problem is I have 40+ leads in a county that is over two hours away so I could really use some appointments to fill in between the hits and misses of door knocks.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Switch to a "just dropping some info off, I need 5 minutes" script.

Or just continue to doorknock -- do what works best.

Thanks...what if you get all that bs I just described when you even say that? Just assume they're part of the 66% that will not ever buy and move on?

I'd prefer to door knock. It has been my bread and butter but I just can't get in front of enough people every week doing it that way. The easy answer is get leads closer to home so I can but for now I need to get as much as I can out of these.