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New Agent - Is This a Good Business Plan?

how will you do aflac parttime if you have a day job? biz owners go home in the evening. you definetley need to call frank or someone and have a conversation about all this. you don't even know what you don't know.

I think it's curious that you were complaining earlier about the forum having such a grumpy tone that you were going to resign and you're heckling this guy a little bit.

If he's working furniture it means weekends are probably a must and he could easily have two days a week off during the week. Two full days off during the week is enough to really be making a go of it at Aflac. Probably exhausting after a while, but since it's not really a day job in the sense that it's probably more nights/weekends, it seems it might be a good "day job" to try both.
i was tryin to aggravate rba. i'm heckling him cause people are giving him good advice and he is picking out the ones who are encouraging him to make a bad decision like you.
i made a living training people to replace aflac. they are so oversaturated, i wouldn't recommend anyone go to work for them. i'm writing this from experience in worksite marketing. it's is my opinion; i realize that, but there is truth to it. if you read his post on another thread, he thinks it's a good thing that everyone has aflac. that's not how insurance works and i'm trying to help him see it.
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i'd give him my phone number and explain everything i'm trying to tell him, but he's ignoring what i'm telling him. he does need to speak with someone other than an aflac dm that is trying to contract him or someone who is not trying to sell him a lead list or something.
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I get that it's Late on a Friday, but I'm not following your post.

The OP has made up his mind for whatever reason that Aflac is the ticket for him. If he's looking for experience and willing to prospect hard, he could probably do fine there.

The market penetration of Aflac is going to vary quite a bit by area, so I'm curious as to what your source is for saying it's over-saturated where the OP will be working. Do you have a county breakdown from working worksite benefits like the one CMS puts out for Medicare Advantage plans, but with Aflac's market penetration?

Even if the market was saturated with Aflac customers, that's likely the result of the Aflac agents only using certain marketing methods. The internet is "over-saturated" with agents and affiliates trying to rank for the top ten positions on google for a variety of terms, but there are still folks doing quite well at it. I think that market penetration needs to be a consideration, but from the onset the OP had said that he had made up his mind that he was going to do that and he was looking for help with his plan, so forgive us all for trying to be respectful.
i was tryin to aggravate rba. i'm heckling him cause people are giving him good advice and he is picking out the ones who are encouraging him to make a bad decision like you.
i made a living training people to replace aflac. they are so oversaturated, i wouldn't recommend anyone go to work for them. i'm writing this from experience in worksite marketing. it's is my opinion; i realize that, but there is truth to it. if you read his post on another thread, he thinks it's a good thing that everyone has aflac. that's not how insurance works and i'm trying to help him see it.
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i'd give him my phone number and explain everything i'm trying to tell him, but he's ignoring what i'm telling him. he does need to speak with someone other than an aflac dm that is trying to contract him or someone who is not trying to sell him a lead list or something.

The market is over saturated with all types of insurance sales people and products. As long as you work harder and smarter you can succeed with anything. Why do you think Lincoln Heritage is still in business.
The market is over saturated with all types of insurance sales people and products. As long as you work harder and smarter you can succeed with anything. Why do you think Lincoln Heritage is still in business.

Actually there seems to be a lot fewer agetns today than there were 40 years ago. The population of my home county has increased greatly during that period of time but the number of agents has decreased. We had 3 home service districts, 4 staff offices and several detached home service agents in the area.. Bets I can count, there were about 60 agents. Now those companies have all benn rolled into one company and they only have 7 agetns working the area. It doesn't seem the number of ordinary and independent agetns have increased either. And, guess what?.. It seemed easier to get because people were more aware of insurance.
i have replaced aflac all over arkansas my friend. they are everywhere there. i wouldn't be on here spouting off if i didn't know. i just hate to see a newbie bang their head against the wall. i think he has decided to jump into aflac fulltime. i will be prayin for him. i shouldn't have been so hard on him; i'm stubborn too. he needs to learn #1 in this business to take things with a grain of salt when someone is trying to sell you something. like the dm with aflac, you, and others.
he needs to learn #1 in this business to take things with a grain of salt when someone is trying to sell you something. like the dm with aflac, you, and others.

Care to elaborate on what I'm trying to sell him? For the sake of discussion let's presume I'm trying to sell him a list, is it of any consequence to me which worksite company he goes to? Or any other company for that matter?

You clearly believe you have an opinion, but you are really missing the point.

I started off at a terrible company with a terrible product and helped folks out while making $7k my first month in the insurance industry. There are literally thousands of agents working for "bad companies" and doing well at it because no one talked them out of it.

Since 2001, AFLAC has had steadily increasing revenues. In 2009, its total revenues were $18.3 billion, compared to 2008's revenues of $ 16.6 billion. While its net income has remained positive, it has not had the same consistent and steady growth that AFLAC's revenues have had. In 2009, AFLAC's net income was $1.5 billion, compared to its net income of $1.25 billion in 2008.

Somebody seems to be selling them and doing well at it, even though the market is "oversaturated".

Aflac is going to put him through his licensing, give him training, and give him a good product with solid brand recognition. What are you offering him?
oicu812nbama I am listening to everyone's opinions.

I'm in no place to say who is right or wrong, but I know who is trying to be helpful.

I am going into furniture again, so I can support myself while I learn insurance. I'm going to be working Aflac on my days off.

I may not stay with Aflac, but I'm going to do my best.

If I start gaining momentum doing insurance, I will make a choice to switch over to it full time. Yea, I'm going to have no free time, but I'd rather suffer through it now and live the rest of my life like a champion.

Thank you everyone for your advice.

P.S. Josh, if you think you can help me out with some lists, I may be interested. But I'll have to get through my licensing first.
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I'm in no place to say who is right or wrong, but I know who is trying to be helpful.

I think that's the real point.

Josh, if you think you can help me out with some lists, I may be interested. But I'll have to get through my licensing first.

Feel free to never buy a list from me, but at a minimum you should get a list of 50 prospects for free at FreeTelemarketingScripts.com. Since I joined I've really been here to help out other agents and learn myself, selling the lists is just a bonus. By all means I'll happily sell you a list, but like many others, I'm here to be helpful.

On a side note, you've handled the initial criticism of your business plan better than most folks that come on here. That's a good sign.
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Care to elaborate on what I'm trying to sell him? For the sake of discussion let's presume I'm trying to sell him a list, is it of any consequence to me which worksite company he goes to? Or any other company for that matter?

You clearly believe you have an opinion, but you are really missing the point.

I started off at a terrible company with a terrible product and helped folks out while making $7k my first month in the insurance industry. There are literally thousands of agents working for "bad companies" and doing well at it because no one talked them out of it.

Somebody seems to be selling them and doing well at it, even though the market is "oversaturated".

Aflac is going to put him through his licensing, give him training, and give him a good product with solid brand recognition. What are you offering him?

agents that already "own" the business are doing reenrollments. why is this so hard for people to understand? if everyone had statefarm, i would not want to sell for them.
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I think that's the real point.

Feel free to never buy a list from me, but at a minimum you should get a list of 50 prospects for free at FreeTelemarketingScripts.com. Since I joined I've really been here to help out other agents and learn myself, selling the lists is just a bonus. By all means I'll happily sell you a list, but like many others, I'm here to be helpful.

On a side note, you've handled the initial criticism of your business plan better than most folks that come on here. That's a good sign.
:twitchy: good luck building that momentum bud. you should spend top dollar for lists instead of just working a square mile radius of your house. :laugh:
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