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Protecting oneself from Covid selling F2F


I'm a 71 year old man who is overweight and has Type 2 diabetes. I haven't been in the field selling FE F2F since the shelter in place was instituted in my state back in March or April. I need to get back to work and I would like some feedback on selling F2F comfortably. I'm not interested in Telesales. For those of you back in the field, what would you suggest?
1) when setting appointments over the phone do I ask prospect if they social distance?
2) do I let them know I wear a mask and do they have a problem with that?
3) do I use Eapps or paper apps?
4) do I use hand sanitizer in the home?
5) should I take a portable table and chair in case they want to talk outside?
Any feedback would be appreciated. Because of my health situation and my wife who has asthma, I'm want to be very careful. I know there are no guarantees from getting Covid, just trying to be as cautious as possible. Thanks
I'm a 71 year old man who is overweight and has Type 2 diabetes. I haven't been in the field selling FE F2F since the shelter in place was instituted in my state back in March or April. I need to get back to work and I would like some feedback on selling F2F comfortably. I'm not interested in Telesales. For those of you back in the field, what would you suggest?
1) when setting appointments over the phone do I ask prospect if they social distance?
2) do I let them know I wear a mask and do they have a problem with that?
3) do I use Eapps or paper apps?
4) do I use hand sanitizer in the home?
5) should I take a portable table and chair in case they want to talk outside?
Any feedback would be appreciated. Because of my health situation and my wife who has asthma, I'm want to be very careful. I know there are no guarantees from getting Covid, just trying to be as cautious as possible. Thanks

I have only done a few F2F sales meetings that were not service calls. However, they all went about the same way. Setting up meetings for the next couple of months now because I am restless. I will have mask with me.

1) when setting appointments over the phone do I ask prospect if they social distance?
I have not. I assume I will be sitting in the living room across from them or at the kitchen table
2) do I let them know I wear a mask and do they have a problem with that?
Again I have not. I put on my mask before I exit the car and take it off when I get back in the car. I think masks are a problem for the people that make it a problem.
3) do I use Eapps or paper apps?
I use both.
4) do I use hand sanitizer in the home?
I have and I have not. I would be cool with using a wipe. Seems a little less 'spaying Lysol on them' to me.
5) should I take a portable table and chair in case they want to talk outside?
I have never done that but if I was a field FE only guy I guess it could not hurt. I do keep a couple of chairs in my trunk for impromptu stops at outdoor venues. But that usually entails drinks.

All of these precautions are at a minimum a curtesy in someone's home. and may keep you from getting sick or infecting your wife. Are you going to run into some crusty perpetually pissed od old dude, Yeah probably? These same people yell at the cashier at McDonald's. Next.

At a minimum, it may help you from getting the flu, which that season is coming up. A lot of FE guys have joked about needing hazmat suits anyway.

Just do what makes you feel safe.
Protecting myself -

Back in the day I was packing if I was working in Oakland flatlands and some other crime areas. So a mask and sanitizer is not a big deal to me. I would also include at least OC.
I'm a 71 year old man who is overweight and has Type 2 diabetes. I haven't been in the field selling FE F2F since the shelter in place was instituted in my state back in March or April. I need to get back to work and I would like some feedback on selling F2F comfortably. I'm not interested in Telesales. For those of you back in the field, what would you suggest?
1) when setting appointments over the phone do I ask prospect if they social distance?
2) do I let them know I wear a mask and do they have a problem with that?
3) do I use Eapps or paper apps?
4) do I use hand sanitizer in the home?
5) should I take a portable table and chair in case they want to talk outside?
Any feedback would be appreciated. Because of my health situation and my wife who has asthma, I'm want to be very careful. I know there are no guarantees from getting Covid, just trying to be as cautious as possible. Thanks
1) No. That would feel like an awkward question on the phone. I routinely sit a few feet away if possible, without making a big deal about it.
2) I don’t let them know. I just show up wearing a mask. It’s not weird to most people anymore. They’ve had several months to get used to seeing people in masks. I’ve had a couple ask me to remove it to understand me better, or because they’re concerned for my comfort. I’m wearing it more for their safety and comfort than mine anyway. My understanding about masks is that they don’t protect the wearer all that much. We wear them to protect everybody else.
3) I use e-apps as much as possible. Not because of the virus, but just because I would rather not deal with all that paper. (I do wonder if the COVID cooties might live longer on paper, though!) If I end up using a paper app for some reason, I hand them a brand new pen that has my info printed on it. After they sign, I just let them keep the pen.
4) I don’t use sanitizer in the home, but I keep a big jug of it in the car. Before I leave the car I use it, then again when I get back in the car. I’ve actually been doing that for years. There are other things to catch out there besides this recent virus.
5) If they want to visit outside, I sit on whatever they’ve got there, or I just stand on the porch with them. Using an e-app on an iPad works great for standing appointments!
The mask is for those around you, not for you.

When you are in surgery, everyone in the OR has masks, gloves, etc. The patient is in the hospital gown, might have a cap, no mask.

If everyone maintains social distance a mask is not necessary unless someone coughs or sneezes. The mask contains the spray.

Keep hand sanitizer in the car. Apply before you touch anything, including the wheel and door handle.

No reported cases of anyone contracting Wuhan flu from inanimate objects.

Most reliable reports say it takes 15 minutes of close contact to possibly contract the illness. Unless someone sneezes or coughs.

1) when setting appointments over the phone do I ask prospect if they social distance?
No, but let them know YOU will be observing guidlines

2) do I let them know I wear a mask and do they have a problem with that?
State the facts. You don't need THEIR permission

3) do I use Eapps or paper apps?
Always e-apps, no paper, no pens . . . unless you want to leave the pen with them

4) do I use hand sanitizer in the home?
You can but definitely use it in the car.

5) should I take a portable table and chair in case they want to talk outside?

71 year old man who is overweight and has Type 2 diabetes

You are high risk. Proceed according to your level of comfort.

I am 70, not obese, no health issues. I take precautions. Can't say that I would be around strangers in close quarters if I were high risk.

I'm not interested in Telesales.

If you can't adapt you may need to look at other avenues that don't require personal contact.
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1) when setting appointments over the phone do I ask prospect if they social distance?
Are you afraid they are going to try to kiss you or do you not normally use deodorant.
2) do I let them know I wear a mask and do they have a problem with that?
Some homes don't smell so bad that you need a mask, just suck on a peppermint.
3) do I use Eapps or paper apps?
It depends upon what your are trying to wipe up, paper works best for most.
4) do I use hand sanitizer in the home?
Not really just make sure you have a can of Raid available.
5) should I take a portable table and chair in case they want to talk outside?
Some places might have a table and chairs outside already, heck, they might just have a couch out there.

:laugh:... ignore my cynical take above... not making fun of you in the least. Want both you and your wife to be safe as you work. :yes:

@WinoBlues, @shonceman, and @somarco have given you some really sound advice that is so much better than I could, plus I've been hugging again... just can't seem to stop. :err: 2 this week already. :wideeyed:
This may not be a popular opinion, but I never stopped selling face to face. I work rural areas and most people aren’t concerned at all for me. Of course I respect their wishes, but honestly I found that folks only make a big deal about it if we do. We had some of our biggest months this summer because so many folks need what we have.

I’m not saying my way is the only way, but it certainly worked for me.

Be careful, take your vitamins. Good luck!
This may not be a popular opinion, but I never stopped selling face to face. I work rural areas and most people aren’t concerned at all for me. Of course I respect their wishes, but honestly I found that folks only make a big deal about it if we do. We had some of our biggest months this summer because so many folks need what we have.

I’m not saying my way is the only way, but it certainly worked for me.

Be careful, take your vitamins. Good luck!

Do you believe the numbers would have been the same with or without a mask? Same agents.