
I haven't really had any problems, knock on wood but I use them cautiously because of the problems many others have experienced. I need to be able to use Direct Express and since I only have two companies that take it and 5 Star has competitive rates and I like their story, I keep them. But I have noticed when you call them you do get that you are annoying me with your question attitude too often. It's exasperated by the experience you get when you call Trinity or Americo which is the total opposite, very friendly and appreciative.

5 Star puzzles me in that they seem to really be trying to improve but why didn't they start with the attitude of their employees and get them to realize what you said about not having jobs if not for us. At least get them to fake be appreciative. I think they must only hire people from New York as they all have that New York pissy attitude. Maybe it will change.

Heh New York... I haven't though about that before... Could be:laugh:

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