CICA Appointment Freeze


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
Received an email announcing a freeze until further notice on the appointment of agents. They must be getting more business than they anticipated.
Kskj and sons of Norway them captute it was game over . Wait till all those cica claims hit . Wow . Biggest mistake cica ever did was trust insurance agents to be honest . No Rx or mbi check is assured destruction . Lol
How is this a bad thing? They just made a bunch of improvements, which is also in the email. It simply said they were overwhelmed and pausing new agent and agency appointments until the end of the month while these new changes are being implemented.

It's not a sky is falling thing. As much as some would like it to be.
Starting immediately, agencies will temporarily be unable to onboard agents/agencies or add state appointments in Sircon. WE WILL UPDATE YOU BY THE END OF THE MONTH ON WHEN WE WILL OPEN UP FOR MORE AGENTS. The growth has been tremendous and we are committed to providing you the best possible experience, we want to do this right to support you for now and the future. We appreciate your understanding as we work to implement these improvements. This would also include any agents/agencies or state appointments in a pending status.
Got an email earlier on the week wanting information on an applicant's hospital stay. I notified them that I had not subitted an app and the case was not mine. Received an email this morning thanking me for letting them know. About 2 hours later I received another rmail asking me for the same information. Perhaps they need to freeze cpntracting untoll yhey can get their communivations straightened out. Others have been saying it is almost impossible to call them.
Kskj and sons of Norway them captute it was game over . Wait till all those cica claims hit . Wow . Biggest mistake cica ever did was trust insurance agents to be honest . No Rx or mbi check is assured destruction . Lol

General perception is always, "where there is smoke there is fire".

Throttling business most often means 1 of two things:

1- Incoming business is viewed as substandard and not to par.

2- System or product updates/changes are eminent and business/product will change.

Just is...
General perception is always, "where there is smoke there is fire".

Throttling business most often means 1 of two things:

1- Incoming business is viewed as substandard and not to par.

2- System or product updates/changes are eminent and business/product will change.

Just is...
Right. And as the email also stated they were implementing several changes. Many of which we asked for.