Diabetes Insulin and Seizures?

Working at the Bunny Ranch and working at FEX seem to be the same thing, you are gonna get F'ed either way......

You seem to have something bad to say about FEX at every turn. How is someone going to get F'ed by FEX?

Is it by offering the most comprehensive line up of carriers available to the FE agent at the best contracts?

Is it by offering training and mentoring by some of the best FE agents in the business?

Is it by making available the best lead programs out there for the independent agent?

And is it by giving you a full release if you don't agree with any of that?

If so, it's the best F'ing I've heard of in this business.
You seem to have something bad to say about FEX at every turn. How is someone going to get F'ed by FEX?

Is it by offering the most comprehensive line up of carriers available to the FE agent at the best contracts?

Is it by offering training and mentoring by some of the best FE agents in the business?

Is it by making available the best lead programs out there for the independent agent?

And is it by giving you a full release if you don't agree with any of that?

If so, it's the best F'ing I've heard of in this business.

All I'll say is, 'if you lay with pigs, you wake up covered in....well you know'

Not saying that everyone or even most people over their are pigs...but I do know a couple...1 of em is top brass.
All I'll say is, 'if you lay with pigs, you wake up covered in....well you know'

Not saying that everyone or even most people over their are pigs...but I do know a couple...1 of em is top brass.

Definitely some good people at FEX. They just allow a lying clown to run things. I won't recommend another agent to check them out as long as he's there.
All I'll say is, 'if you lay with pigs, you wake up covered in....well you know'

Not saying that everyone or even most people over their are pigs...but I do know a couple...1 of em is top brass.

You are making a distinction between personalities and business.

Of course there will be personal differences and personality clashes within any organization. Especially among the type of personalities that it takes to make it in this business.

Do I get along with and like every person associated with FEX? No. Does everyone associated with FEX get along with me and like me? No.

So what? That has nothing to do with the business of FEX. None of the agents are employees of FEX. It's a business association.

But, personal decisions do override business decisions everyday. In all businesses. And there's probably nothing wrong with that.

That still doesn't mean the business if F'ing people.
I think its easy to poke fun at a new guy...it can be very confusing and while it did not work out for monstrhunter with a few of us that doesnt mean he cant rebound and be a huge producer and successful. I know he has the potential to write a lot of good sticky business, he is not lazy, maybe a little confused on how some things work and timing was unfortunately off for him with some of us...but I think he will pull it together and do fine. Hey Rearden....how is that for extending olive branches?


How the hell could he NOT KNOW, your mail program and agreement has EFES stamped all over it worse than a $5 hooker :D That in itself is not true. Its true you didnt know about him until I submitted his contracts and the lead paperwork, so if he told you he didnt know it was EFES was BS.

I still like the guy and he has guts, he isnt a chicken crap....again I think once he gets straight on all his contracts he will be a great agent, well, actually I think he probably is a pretty good agent now, just still a little confused....thats why I dont get bent out of shape about this....I still remember when I first started....it can get confusing.

It wasn't that I didn't see EFES on the paperwork. Never said that. It was I simply didn't know what that meant. I knew we were buying leads from them, but not contracted with them. I know now that that was ignorant, but not then.
You are making a distinction between personalities and business.

Of course there will be personal differences and personality clashes within any organization. Especially among the type of personalities that it takes to make it in this business.

Do I get along with and like every person associated with FEX? No. Does everyone associated with FEX get along with me and like me? No.

So what? That has nothing to do with the business of FEX. None of the agents are employees of FEX. It's a business association.

But, personal decisions do override business decisions everyday. In all businesses. And there's probably nothing wrong with that.

That still doesn't mean the business if F'ing people.

So what about an upline not having your back, even when you are right? Or the upline lying behind your back about you?

Maybe not f'ing people...but definitely not someone I'd want making a dollar off of my back.

Good thing we can all choose where to go
It's amusing to me when competitors and their agents get wound up and start bashing us or any other competitor. No one takes you seriously. In fact you are doing what you were accusing me of doing last month when you were wound up. You said I was running agents away from you by bashing you (Ben). That was untrue and anyone who knows me knows it just isn't my style.

If you can produce one single agent that has ever been ripped off by me or FexContracting, produce them now. Get them to come on here and tell their story for the world to hear. (Crickets)

You accuse me of spamming the forum. So what? Spam drives people away. So if that's true, you should be happy about that. Why should a bitter angry competitor have to say "Newby just sits around spamming the forum all day." Why can't people see what I do and make their own decisions? I was the first one to make a website that explained in plain English what new agents should look for and what to avoid. It helped 1,000's of agents in the past and more each day. I can see where to a competitor they want it to be seen as spam. But I can promise you that agents seeking quality information do not. And now there are several more following my lead. Galt, Reardon and others are doing the same and doing a good job of it too. It's a quality move, recruiting by educating. But when they post their link it's fine because they are with your agency. When I link to mine Oh, where are the moderators?!!! Newby's sitting around spamming.

You accuse me of being a marketer and not selling anything. So what? How much do you think Todd, Brad, Chase or any of the other IMO's sold last year. But the thing that really drives you crazy is you know that I do sell. I sell a lot. I'll probably just sell $80,000 to $100,000 of FE a year but I also sell huge amounts of Medicare, plus some Funeral PreNeed, annuities, and other products. Overall I would say none of you puts more money per year in his actual bank account and pays taxes on it than I do off of personal production. Spur City might be in the same range but I don't think he participates in your little hate group. He seems to have some class and be pretty happy with his life. That would indicate to me that he's the real deal. But for you guys to try your smear of He's a marketer and can't sell falls way short of your truthiness claim. I had an $8,000 commission day yesterday by the way. Should I be ashamed that it was annuities and not FE? Maybe in your little hate-club world.

And even on top of the fact that I sell a LOT of insurance I don't even position myself as our agent trainer. So who cares if I could sell or not. My business partner is one of the best FE agents of all time. And has trained more successful agents than you could even list. He's our trainer. And you all know that but you try to discredit Fex by saying I can't sell. Pfffffttttttt! Come see me when you banked some REAL money off personal production.

When a competitor and his little band of haters gets riled up and attempts to smear their toughest rival, it doesn't smell of success. Why don't you try to compete by being a better agency? Successful people don't need to try to trash talk their competition. And none of this is aimed at Brad, Reardon, Spur or even Galt (who would have thought that he turned out to be the sane one.) Those guys would all like to beat me by running a better agency. And that's their goal. And that's how it should work. Got to respect that. It's just the little band of hate mongers Ben, Doug and of course Gooner. Plus their agent buddies.

OK I can't sign off without driving Gooner out of his mind with some spam...Check us out here and see why (some of) our competitors hate us so much! Www.FexContracting.com
I never said anything about your production. I said it's funny you can be on here all day but can't find time to answer your agents calls, texts, emails until they are asking for a release.

I call you out about all of your lies.

Fixed price DM is a horrible idea and agents shouldn't use that program. You said that because you didn't have one. Then you got one and now you say that's the way to go.

Several on here bashed Brad for making his agents sign a contract before contracting. Now you make agents sign one.

You make out every situation like you are high and mighty and do no wrong. You told me you could get me an Aetna contract and failed. Then a while later I get it done myself and now that's YOU THAT DID IT? When I sent you the email for the release your email back stated that you had forgot all about that happening. But before you released that one, we should chat because FEX would be a better fit for me to build my agency.

But aren't you the one constantly stating FEX doesn't want people building an agency?

I state the facts! You just try to reverse everything to make yourself look good.

I responded back saying thanks for the offer but I was good where I was at. Then Travis sent me and email. Then you both 3 way called me.

So that was you getting me Aetna AND me trying to come to FEX?

Keep spinning buddy. People see through your bullshit.

And you DID most certainly tell agents that I don't offer street. You also said that Brad resells leads. You are a liar and I lost all respect I had for you.