My 1st Month at EFES/Equita Final Expense

Who are we missing that we had a few years ago? Old Man Martinez has gone AWOL recently. Mr. Indian-Arrow doesn't post much but lurks...

Tons of them fall by the wayside.

Remember the real crazy hillbilly guy that posted the real hilarious posts?

The State Farm guy who's posts were spot on. He could have written a great book but just disappeared.

The Ramez Hakien guy who had one great get rich quick plan after another but none involved him selling any insurance?

Greg the Senior Life guy seems to have drifted away too.

Hundreds of characters have passed through these gates. Some good. Some bad. But most were very entertaining.
Why do you care what I do? None of your FKNG business, thats why I charge more for MY LEADS. You get steak knifes, you didnt sell anything, wrote $3800..(in my best Forest Gump voice):D


Funny, 100's of agents write thousands of dollars weekly on those leads. To each his own, you are entitled to your opinion, but Ive never seen a MP agent transition into fe and make it....well one, only one, Spur.

Enjoy working nights and waiting 3 weeks for approvals.


Havent you heard???? No IMO's post here.
I think JD also was in the MP business at one time also.
Tons of them fall by the wayside.

Remember the real crazy hillbilly guy that posted the real hilarious posts?

The State Farm guy who's posts were spot on. He could have written a great book but just disappeared.

The Ramez Hakien guy who had one great get rich quick plan after another but none involved him selling any insurance?

Greg the Senior Life guy seems to have drifted away too.

Hundreds of characters have passed through these gates. Some good. Some bad. But most were very entertaining.

None of these sound familiar with the exception of Greg @ SL.

I know you've been around since the beginning - do you remember their screen names?
Protected territories, exclusive A leads $15.00 -$30.00 per leads. fresh direct mail leads every week totaling 10-20 fresh leads per week. Average commission 90-110% commission. Push production not recruiting. All "A" leads. He does not try and drill B leads down our throat or even really offer them at all. Each agent who gets contracted will immediately get mailings started for them and within 2 weeks will start getting the leads dispersed to them daily. No overage charges on your down line leads and no lead debt roll up exposure. He doesnt want an agent recruiting until they have produced at least 10,000 in premium per month two months in a row. Those are a few of the things that I believe are important differentiating factors.

A). Protected territories - Even for an average to low producer?

B). Average commission 90-110% - Is that for producers with or without a downline? What is the "starting commission" for a new agent? According to Amerilife HPS Promotional Guidelines, what is the highest commission an agent can qualify for without having downline agents?

C). How much time does an agent have to work an A Lead, before it becomes available to purchase as a B Lead?
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None of these sound familiar with the exception of Greg @ SL. I know you've been around since the beginning - do you remember their screen names?

I can't even remember the current screen names of the regulars.

I'm going to search through some old posts and revive some classics when I have time. Lots of old gold out there.
None of these sound familiar with the exception of Greg @ SL.

I know you've been around since the beginning - do you remember their screen names?

At least Greg was consistent...

All I remember of his posts: "Call me - 555-555-5555" :D

Every. Single. Post.
A). Protected territories - Even for an average to low producer?

B). Average commission 90-110% - Is that for producers with or without a downline? What is the "starting commission" for a new agent? According to Amerilife HPS Promotional Guidelines, what is the highest commission an agent can qualify for without having downline agents?

C). How much time does an agent have to work an A Lead, before it becomes available to purchase as a B Lead?

A. Yes as long as you are active on their lead program your territory is protected.

B. Average comp without downline is 90-95
Average comp with downline is 100-110% and with one of the carriers/mortgage products I believe it goes as high as 120 or 125%.

C. There is no B lead program so there is no time frame until your leads are resold.. If an agent is no longer active on their lead program they will offer those leads for sell or even give them away after they scrub it through the client data base to remove any leads business was written. They don't have to push B leads, telemarketing leads, voice leads, and then resell those garbage leads a million time over like every other IMO. They have the capital to only offer all of their agents fresh direct mail leads. I'm happy my agents are happy and the overall tone of everyone who works with AmeriLife HPS. Not much more to say. Good luck to you all.
I think JD also was in the MP business at one time also.

Ok maybe 2, forgive me, I was one off.


This video is from a friend of mine here in ATL....I spoke with him over the last couple of days about all the bs and trolling that goes on here....we talked at length about how trolls really are losers who concentrate their time and energy towards hate and jealousy of others and if they used that same energy to work on their own business maybe they would not be so envious or jealous...he hit the nail on the head with this vid. So to all you trolls, kiss all others take a look at the vid and pay close attention, it will serve you well in the future once you become semi successful at any damn thing in life and help you ignore the trolls:


I'm done and will go away. Just try and give up some of that hard ass image you have to portray all the time on here. Look at the helpful posts from Boman and Springbokhouston.

And why are you allowed to spam so much? never have figured that one out....

Last response to you ever, so listen carefully....We have 86 vids on lead training, door knocking, working fe, closing tips, underwriting help.....I cant even remember them all, its a ton of info to help agents at Home | Final Expense Leads | Final Expense Training | Final Expense Sales so dont preach at me about being helpful, I AM!! What the F have you done? Not a damn thing. has more training content locked away in the agents section than any other site I have ever seen and it grows weekly, sometimes daily, I know my business and I know how people work, you wont be here in a month and Id bet you will be out of the business in less than 6 months.

I have 60 videos related to The Lead Jerk | Final Expense Leads | Final Expense Avatar Leads | Final Expense Training | Final Expense Sales and the same thing tons of help....for you not to realize this makes you a fool.

And as far as a hard ass image, please....Im just direct and honest, if that offends some too bad, thats life, you dont have to like me and thats fine, but dont ever mistake my kindness for weakness pal.

Dont bother responding, Ill just ignore you like everyone else should.


I can't even remember the current screen names of the regulars.

I'm going to search through some old posts and revive some classics when I have time. Lots of old gold out there.

You never thanked me for getting rid of your numero uno troll Scott....Im kinda hurt :swoon: