My 1st Month at EFES/Equita Final Expense

Well it wasn't me. Somebody told me yesterday they were sure it was me. Somebody private messaged me and told me who it was, that's how I knew it wasn't Matt
Well it wasn't me. Somebody told me yesterday they were sure it was me. Somebody private messaged me and told me who it was, that's how I knew it wasn't Matt

It was me. Because we have all been taught we should believe things from a known liar and marketer. Always believe ray finkle. And always believe a marketer who pushes settlers life.



No moron. it's not a mlm or what you are referring to as a pyramid scheme. It's called insurance agency. welcome to the insurance business. I'm sure you are under multiple agencies and are not direct to the insurance carriers. You are probably under an agency whos under an MGA who's under and IMO whose under an FMO and the FMO is under AmeriLife and they are direct to the insurance company. so without you knowing you are probably under us. Lol!

Heard from a good source that the only MLM scheme comes from a group who refers to themselves as pirates. Not the friendly kind either.
What a soap opera this thread was.. enlightening in so many ways for a new person looking into this field..

Trust None - is the tag line.