Telesales - Brutal Truth

REAGAN: 'There you go again.' - YouTube

Oh John, there you go again. Name calling and fabricating the truth.

To be clear, I wouldn't spend the time or money to kindly send you a cease and desist. No letter coming from me, or my lawyer. Everyone reading this knows your reputation, and if I ever get the pleasure to meet you in person I'd shake your hand, I have no personal hard feelings towards you. I believe you are just severely misguided.

On another note, North Star is the LARGEST producing final expense telesales IMO in the entire country, hands down. Our home office is in a state of the art facility, we have over 10 partner call centers, and dozens of agents working from the comfort of their home all plugging in to one central location.

I get calls from carriers weekly, BEGGING for our production (some of the same companies you represent), and we politely turn them down.

KSKJ does not have the cash reserves to keep up with my production, so your notion that I would even consider them is a total farce.

I wont be responding anymore to you. Its apparent your'e only here to push your agenda, and discredit anyone with opposing facts.

I wish you the best of luck John.

Seems you started with the namecalling. And now you pretend to speak for everyone else?

And what would my agenda be? To share my FE experiences so they don't make the same mistakes that I made? If that's what you're saying then you are right for once.

You FOS marketers think by talking in code that you will fool someone. And you do. You fool the new to the business people that hang onto the dream of this being easy.

And it's not a farce that KSKJ would not contract with you. They will not. You want to prove me wrong? Just try to get contracted with KSKJ. It ain't happening.

You got butthurt because I tell agents that FE telesales is a failed model for the producer. It always has been and it is now.

Doesn't mean there's not a handful of them out there making it work. But the aberrations don't make it a successful model. That's why they are called aberrations.

You can't dispute that with facts so you go on the attack personally. Same thing as your Ohio counterpart. He can't fight with facts so he fights with lies and innuendos.

You can't hurt me. I don't need to count on others for a living. I write my own business and have no agents under me and I'm not trying to get any. You can only hurt yourself by showing what kind of person you are to potential recruits.

The fact that you don't get that just shows how truly clueless you are.
Seems you started with the namecalling. And now you pretend to speak for everyone else?

And what would my agenda be? To share my FE experiences so they don't make the same mistakes that I made? If that's what you're saying then you are right for once.

You FOS marketers think by talking in code that you will fool someone. And you do. You fool the new to the business people that hang onto the dream of this being easy.

And it's not a farce that KSKJ would not contract with you. They will not. You want to prove me wrong? Just try to get contracted with KSKJ. It ain't happening.

You got butthurt because I tell agents that FE telesales is a failed model for the producer. It always has been and it is now.

Doesn't mean there's not a handful of them out there making it work. But the aberrations don't make it a successful model. That's why they are called aberrations.

You can't dispute that with facts so you go on the attack personally. Same thing as your Ohio counterpart. He can't fight with facts so he fights with lies and innuendos.

You can't hurt me. I don't need to count on others for a living. I write my own business and have no agents under me and I'm not trying to get any. You can only hurt yourself by showing what kind of person you are to potential recruits.

The fact that you don't get that just shows how truly clueless you are.

Yeah but you said "I understand that they won't contract you" which implies to the readers that he wanted to contract but couldn't. Your posts from years ago were solid and genuine talking about YOUR practice, now you're just a spin artist. Wonder why all the reaction when KSKJ is brought up, oh yeah, my understanding is fex is one of the few imo that offer it, so make it a "hot item".
You were under fire when I slipped my questions in, so I assumed that's why they went unanswered. Here they are again.

Thanks for understanding :)

After a customer calls our commercial, gets prequalified by an operator, and sent over as a warm live transfer. The closing ratio is about 20%... Sounds low I know, but we have alot of agents with different skill sets.

The other 80% of the leads that dont get sold, are called by new agents just getting started for training, plus we have a telemarketing department that recalls aged leads, requalifies the customers, then resends them to another agent.

So the total closing ratio is on par with most face to face agents, but our system and way of calculating is much different.

Our top producer for 2016, who was also first for our carrier, placed 290k.

The percentage that stick varies from agent to agent, just like it does in the feild. Naturally our stick rate could be less. But our bests agents will have 90% of our business will make their 13th payment. We obviously have agents doing less than that, but its a training issue or how the policy was sold, like using the free look as a crutch. But remember, our output is much, much hire than a F2F agent.

We are actually the only distribution for AmAm that has SS billing. So we are drafting on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wednesdays, and if the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Calendar day falls on a weekend, we will do the ACH withdraw the Friday before.

I hope that helps!
Yeah but you said "I understand that they won't contract you" which implies to the readers that he wanted to contract but couldn't. Your posts from years ago were solid and genuine talking about YOUR practice, now you're just a spin artist. Wonder why all the reaction when KSKJ is brought up, oh yeah, my understanding is fex is one of the few imo that offer it, so make it a "hot item".

I'm direct with them, but I have 2 FMO's that that I deal with that have them. There are probably more. One's an hour away and one's 2 hours away. Neither one is on the Forum.
Yeah but you said "I understand that they won't contract you" which implies to the readers that he wanted to contract but couldn't. Your posts from years ago were solid and genuine talking about YOUR practice, now you're just a spin artist. Wonder why all the reaction when KSKJ is brought up, oh yeah, my understanding is fex is one of the few imo that offer it, so make it a "hot item".

Easier companies out there to push as a "hot item" than them. I imagine they hear a lot of crickets (especially from new agents) once they explain KSKJ doesn't advance commissions.:eek:
Yeah but you said "I understand that they won't contract you" which implies to the readers that he wanted to contract but couldn't. Your posts from years ago were solid and genuine talking about YOUR practice, now you're just a spin artist. Wonder why all the reaction when KSKJ is brought up, oh yeah, my understanding is fex is one of the few imo that offer it, so make it a "hot item".

What reaction when KSKJ is brought up? You mean where I always say, "I don't care if someone writes KSKJ or not"? Is that the reaction you are trying to make into something?

Nor did I imply anything to your new buddy. I do understand that they will not contract him. That is true, they will not. Whatever you want to imply from that is in your mind.

And exactly what do I "spin"?

I never talk as "we". I leave that for the pretenders that think they speak for others.

When I give advice it's, this is what "I" do or would do or did. And when I give an opinion I say it is "my" opinion. I don't play it off as someone else's. Again, I leave that to the pretenders.

And you don't see me in other forums giving advice on things I don't know. You won't find me giving advice on annuities or P&C or LTCi or any vertical that I don't know about.

You get butthurt because I call you out for giving advice about selling FE when you don't know yourself how to sell FE and don't sell FE for a living.

Well guess what? I don't care if you get butthurt about it because it's damaging to agents if they were to follow your advice.


Easier companies out there to push as a "hot item" than them. I imagine they hear a lot of crickets (especially from new agents) once they explain KSKJ doesn't advance commissions.:eek:

Actually they do advance. But there's a cap. I don't think they advance new agents though.

Not something I care about. I'm as earned with them and everyone else too.

But that is a big deal to many.
You get butthurt because I call you out for giving advice about selling FE when you don't know yourself how to sell FE and don't sell FE for a living.

Actually, I'm the one that's been calling you out. If you want spin that as butthurt, feel free. I still take your advice I on YOU do things, but not your advice on how others do it. Also, you don't know what product lines I sell during nor how much.

+ (from the other thread), Securus, YIG, NASB, Gordon all said their top producers door knock first, 4 out the first 4 I looked at, but you said "But I do know all the top FE IMO's and I do know most of their top producers or know of them." idk maybe in you're under the impression that none of them are worthy since they're not on the forum.

Saw a little of Kentucky last night @ mizzou, hopefully Big Red will get them in the tourney. Almost MarCH MaDneSS time....
Thanks for understanding :)

After a customer calls our commercial, gets prequalified by an operator, and sent over as a warm live transfer. The closing ratio is about 20%... Sounds low I know, but we have alot of agents with different skill sets.

The other 80% of the leads that dont get sold, are called by new agents just getting started for training, plus we have a telemarketing department that recalls aged leads, requalifies the customers, then resends them to another agent.

So the total closing ratio is on par with most face to face agents, but our system and way of calculating is much different.

Our top producer for 2016, who was also first for our carrier, placed 290k.

The percentage that stick varies from agent to agent, just like it does in the feild. Naturally our stick rate could be less. But our bests agents will have 90% of our business will make their 13th payment. We obviously have agents doing less than that, but its a training issue or how the policy was sold, like using the free look as a crutch. But remember, our output is much, much hire than a F2F agent.

We are actually the only distribution for AmAm that has SS billing. So we are drafting on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wednesdays, and if the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Calendar day falls on a weekend, we will do the ACH withdraw the Friday before.

I hope that helps!

Just skimmed through your work from home opportunity video,some of the highlights:

1. Starting commission 40-50%
2. Need Non Res. license in 7 states
3. Must pay 300.00 up front and then 300.00 a month to use your set up.
4. Must be chained to desk from 8-5 M-F

Those free leads don't seem so free anymore........
Nsrh you definitely have a nice setup. Your agents make 40-50%. What are their renewals 2-4%? With a 50/2 contract what long term business are they building? Are they vested day 1 with the carrier? Do they assign commissions?