$10,000 Budget Vs $500 Budget

The other thing Prtzl and others do is count advances as earnings which is a big mistake. Using 100% commission to keep it simple, If I sell and place a $100 per month payment and get a 6 month advance in the amount of $600... But I have not made $600.. I have made $100 and received a loan of $500... When it pays the second month I have made $200 and now have an outstanding loan of $400. If it does not pay again, they take the loan back but I have still made $200.. Advance paybacks or charge backs really have noting to do with earnings because that money has yet to be earned. If I go to the back and take out a $1000 personal loan, my cash flow has increased by the $1000 but my earnings haven't. It is the same with advances.

No the problem with how Prtzl and others think, is that they are worried about what others make. What anyone on here makes has nothing to do with what I'll make.
No the problem with how Prtzl and others think, is that they are worried about what others make. What anyone on here makes has nothing to do with what I'll make.
If someone isn't confident in their ability they'll focus on how much they have to spend vs how much they'll make. Was talking to a newly licensed agent earlier and he thought Lincoln Heritage's deal is better because he doesn't have to pay a $1,500 deposit for leads. Even though they're offering him a 75% contract. OOOOOOOKAY BUDDY! :D
Another expense is using a telemarketer( those who use one) --

I appreciate the feedback - even from the burnt out and angry 'servants'...

Calculating expenses vs gross commission earnings(advances) is an honest topic of discussion that has nothing to do with being concerned with how much a specific agent makes.

Don't let bitterness fuel your life.. If you turn into a pulsing tomato reading through this-just skip the thread..