Just joined The Fitz Group -

It always puzzles me why people wait to ask for advice AFTER they have signed up with someone.
Oftentimes, they were approached by someone within the organization, perhaps someone they knew, and that is the individual(s) to whom they sought advice.
As a registered rep. coming from a financial planning industry, I knew nothing about
FE or this forum. None of my colleagues or associates worked the FE market. I'm not sure the number of agents who learn through experience the mistakes made working with agencies and fmo's. The good news is, going through those experiences makes one wiser.
As a registered rep. coming from a financial planning industry, I knew nothing about
FE or this forum. None of my colleagues or associates worked the FE market. I'm not sure the number of agents who learn through experience the mistakes made working with agencies and fmo's. The good news is, going through those experiences makes one wiser.
Not the case here as the guy has 280+ posts.