Tablets, Laptops, and Other Electronics

I use a Samsung Galaxy note 10.1 for everything and love it. I dint like the e-apps since I like having a hard copy but having everything at my fingertips is very nice.
I use a Samsung Galaxy note 10.1 for everything and love it. I dint like the e-apps since I like having a hard copy but having everything at my fingertips is very nice.

Which companies do you use for Eapps?
Yeah that's something I also would have to get used to,,,,I like having the hard copies.
When I do things on the IPAD, I can get home and click print and I have a hard copy. But I just have them all stored on the Ipad and can see any of them at anytime, so really no need for a hard copy. When I am in my car and a client from 5 months ago calls, I can pull it up right there and see everything on the app.
I found the Ipad useless for doing this.

Personally I only have the MS Surface for doing quotes through FEXQuotes, looking up underwriting if I need to.

That's pretty much it. Faster to fill out the paper app and get out of there.
No need for any electronics in the home. I file all my agent guides in my briefcase along with applications. From my experience, overly using electronics in a FE home will hurt more than help.
I carry paper apps and promo/ marketing material. Everything else, rate guides, UW guides, ht/wt charts and everything else I have saved to a Dropbox file that I can access in the field from my iPhone. I don't bring my iPad.